OBEDIENCE, THE GARB OF A DISCIPLE                                    ROSS SMITH 200116


(References used are from the Amplified Bible)

In contemplating the role of a Disciple, I pondered how obvious a Disciple might be, and what would be a distinguishing characteristic that sets a Disciple apart. It was then I saw that the most obvious trait was that of OBEDIENCE, and despite any other “raiment” that they wore the underlying “apparel” was a “garb of obedience.”

This garb is however, an undergarment, and to be very crass, it is probably like a hooded “onesie”. It covers all working parts, whether they be arms of legs, the head, the vital organs, everything is shrouded in the garment of obedience. Generally it won’t be attractive to outsiders, but then it is an undergarment and they are not sensitive to our spiritual persuasions, and would not recognise we are wearing it as it fits well under all other garments. It fits tightly and does not stretch to suit our preferences (1 Peter 1:14-15) it is durable, it is sometimes obvious to close acquaintances but infrequently, the wearer is fully aware of its value.

Over the top of the “garb of obedience” we will wear “the garments of praise, (Isaiah 61:3) the whole armour, (Ephesians 6:11 & 13) garment of vengeance and zeal (Isa 59:17) garments of salvation and robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10) clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49) clothed yourselves with the new [spiritual self (Colossians 3:10) just to name a few of the garments in our spiritual wardrobe, and specific to particular occasions. The “garb of obedience” however is never to be removed!

The heavenly Couturier has designed the whole range of attire, but every outward “robe” has to be underpinned by the “garb of obedience” before any other garment will fit properly and sit properly.

The stage is set for the purpose of recognition, for the bible says, “If you love Me keep My commandments (John 14:15) and then in verse 21 there is a startling promise as to the response of the Lord to those who adorn themselves with the “garb of obedience”. “I too will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]

It has been stated:-

“Obedience is the soil of relationship;  obedience opens access to the treasures of My Kingdom;  obedience is the sweet smelling fragrance that brings blessing to My heart;  obedience opens the door to your ministry;  obedience is all I require of you, for obedience stems from a heart of love freely given;  trust and obey is the key to My heart My people.”

Obedience” is described in the dictionary as “the quality of being willing to do what you are told to do”. The dictionary lists it as a noun, but I would suggest that for us it has more significance as a verb, “obedience is a doing word, and the proof of obedience is in actions, not sentiment. Being “willing” is very different to be “doing”, for Father only recognises our obedience by our actions.

1 Samuel 15:22 Samuel said, Has the Lord as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

In New Testament times when Jesus walked with the Disciples, there are numerous instances where they obeyed Jesus’ instruction without question, an indispensable trait of disciples, a great example of their underlying “garb of obedience”.

In Matthew 21 we read about Jesus asking the Disciples to go into town and bring back someone else’s donkey. And in verse 6 “Then the disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them.”

When Peter and his fishermen friends had fished all night and caught nothing, when Jesus said to have another go, despite their professionalism as fishermen, Peter says “But on the ground of Your word, I will lower the nets [again].

In Old Testament times there were even more significant examples, Noah, Abraham, Daniel, etc.

We can expect to have our obedience challenged on a very regular basis, for how can we identify as disciples if we are not being assaulted by situations that require an unquestioned response aligned with God’s Word. And the more we develop our obedience the greater the opportunity to implement it.

You may object to the term “develop our obedience” however the Word of God clearly defines that it is not an inherent trait but has to be “learned”.

Hebrews 5:8 Although He was a Son, He learned [active, special] obedience through what He suffered.

Even if obedience was a commodity that could be procured at some “convenience store”, I fear few would take advantage of its availability because of the inherent truncating affect on our preferences, and despite the enormity of advantage we can experience if we apply the principle we still persist in chasing butterflies.

We also enjoy “sonship” and consequently we are to emulate Jesus as He respected His Father, we too must evidence the same characteristics that identify us, such as accordance, concurrence, cooperation, which are the characteristics of a Son. Proverbs says a wise son makes his father happy, a truth we have seen both positively and negatively.

I do not think for one moment that there was any trace of a disobedient spirit in Jesus. Jesus, by his passive obedience learned active obedience; that is, He practiced that lesson, to demonstrate that he was perfectly “learned” or qualified in it. Though He never was disobedient, He had never performed such an act of obedience as when he became obedient to death, even to the death of the cross.

I like the Amplified Bible clarification here, it says “active, special obedience”. This is a challenge to us to firstly be “actively obedient”, not just offering mental assent, but secondly and more appropriately, we have to learn “special obedience”. By that I think each one of us has to pass though unique and particular experiences to demonstrate that we are both “qualified” or have “learned” and also that we are “capable” because we carry out the task requiring our obedience, without question.

Phillipians 2:8 And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and CARRIED HIS OBEDIENCE TO THE EXTREME of death, even the death of the cross!

And so I repeat, see how much further Jesus takes the example, he was probably an ideal son to Joseph and Mary, He would have been meticulous in His adherence to civil law, by his passive obedience, he learned active obedience, “EVEN THE DEATH OF THE CROSS

Obedience belongs to a servant, but more significant is the obedience of “accordance, concurrence, cooperation”, the characteristics of a son.

Here Jesus has left us an example, that we should LEARN by all our afflictions a humble obedience to the will of God.

We need affliction, to teach us submission, but I am not sure that we want affliction. There is no point in asceticism to qualify as a Disciple, for we have seen that sacrifices are not considered adequate, but the learning process involved in obedience is unavoidable to those who would have an ambition to qualify as Disciples.

It is a decision that is completely up to us to make, we have the choice, to honour the Lord by putting into practice and applying the principles that we are completely familiar with but unaccustomed to, or alternatively to satisfy the selfish ambitions and worship the idols of egocentricity.

Romans 6:16 Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death, or to OBEDIENCE which leads to righteousness (right doing and right standing with God)?


Act 5:29 Then Peter and the apostles replied, We must obey God rather than men.

There can be no obedience without knowledge. But where there is knowledge and no obedience there is a malaise called “NEGLECT”. We know that there is a requirement in this respect if we are to inherit the promise, and Paul put it succinctly,

Hebrews 2:3 How shall we escape [appropriate retribution] if we neglect and refuse to pay attention to such a great salvation [as is now offered to us, letting it drift past us forever]?

1 John 3:4 says in part, “violating of God’s law by transgression or NEGLECT”. “Lawlessness,’’ expresses the ignoring of the law rather than the absence of it. “The law” means the law of God in the fullest sense, not the Mosaic Law, therefore, sin is defined as the transgression of God’s will by the habit of “NEGLECT”.

It would seem some people do not want to qualify as being “neglectful” because they refuse to read and study God’s Word, therefore they are destitute of knowledge and cannot be considered accountable. But this is a fallacy because we are aware of the sovereignty of God from what we see around about us (Romans 1:20) and so “they are without excuse”, and consequently disobedience is the result.


The danger of neglect must be in proportion to the dignity of the revelation


The Apostle James also had some important insight into the significance of obedience because he connected faith with what he calls “works of obedience”. (James 2:26) This is not just plain works, but a “garb” of those who would be called “Christian”.

What precious promise is attached to our obedience, the Psalmist was eloquent in describing the “flow on effect” of this characteristic when he penned the words of:-


Psalm 91:11 For He will give His angels [ESPECIAL] CHARGE OVER YOU to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of OBEDIENCE AND SERVICE].


Obviously the angels recognise true disciples because they are wearing the “Garb of Obedience” and they, the angels, are then under instruction to carry out the most extensive security of our lives, in every way, when they see that we are compliant with the requirements of Him who we would call “Lord”. Is it not worth the effort, or the submission of our own desires, the abandonment of thought or activity that would hinder, the application of the truth we see and hear, the implementation of Fathers expectation, to enjoy the results of “OBEDIENCE”.



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