EASTER, HOW MAGNIFICENT THE RESULT                            ROSS SMITH 250316

Last night as I gazed upon the brilliance of the stellar vista, the numberless stars, I realised how miniscule I am in the scope of God’s creation.

But then, at this Easter time, I also realised how important I am, because Jesus died for me. Putting it into perspective, I am like a miniscule component of an atom, which is the building block of all matter and the atom has to have me in its structure to enable the atom to fulfil its function.

But within the atom there are Protons, which have a positive charge, Electrons, that have a negative charge, and Neutrons which have no charge at all, but all are required to make up an atom.

My ambition, in that miniscule part that I form in God’s creation, is at least to be a PROTON inside that atom, CARRYING A POSITIVE CHARGE, contributing to the “building blocks” of atoms that Father is using to build His church, and to validate His providence in sending Jesus, that we might celebrate, not only at Easter, but through the life afforded us, and see the church outshine the stars.



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