LEARN TO SENSE    WHAT IS VITAL                                            ROSS SMITH  270816


It was during a time where I was asking the Lord for answers to matters on my mind when I felt impressed, “Why do you want answers ahead of time”?  Not a little taken back to think that I may have been presumptuous in trying to be ahead of the game, the same impression stirred my spirit with the statement:-


So there was sufficient motivation then to start to enquire what and where were  the “Unnecessary arrows” and what were the areas that I need to concentrate on.

Philippians 1:10                                 SO THAT (The term that always is preceded by a condition ..  comments mine) you may surely LEARN TO SENSE what is VITAL, and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value [recognizing the highest and the best, and distinguishing the moral differences], and that (OR “SO THAT to use the apodosis) you may be ( untainted and pure and unerring and ( blameless [SO THAT with hearts (sincere and certain and unsullied, you (may approach] the day of Christ [not (stumbling nor causing others to (stumble].

It only took this one verse to set me on a course of exploration that would lead to fulfilling the instruction and save me the embarrassment of asking inappropriate questions:-


 So that I can get the instructions in order I find it necessary to compile them in an order so that each can be properly attended.

  • Vital            )

)             SENSE

  • Excellent   )


  •  Real value )

)                APPROVE/ RECOGNISE

  • Highest      )


  • Best                            )

)                 DISTINGUISH

  • Moral differences   )




Later the scripture launches into the accruals of this learning performance, setting up a file of qualities that are awarded to those who will embrace the instruction.

  • submit to the schooling, =             (the learning)
  • and develop the sense,                 =             (as an innate spiritual ability)
  • be able to approve, =             (so that it is relevant)
  • competent to recognise, =             ( right and wrong)
  • determine the best,  =            (outcome  required)

Because verse 9 of Philippians 1 starts with the words “SO THAT”, and as I have frequently indicated, there must be something important that precedes and will generally set the context. So before we settle down to the “schooling” of verse 10, we need to see that we have the proper uniform and utensils, and learning aids to be admitted to the class by reviewing the conditions

Philippians 1:9                                   And this I pray: that your love may abound yet more and more and extend to its fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight [THAT YOUR LOVE MAY DISPLAY ITSELF  (Paul here is making a challenge  ..  comments mine)  in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment].

Notice how love is “displayed”.

  • Greater depth of acquaintance
  • More comprehensive discernment

This brings squarely into focus the necessity of Psalm 46:10, “BE STILL AND KNOW”, this is acquaintance and discernment.

It doesn’t take much effort to review if we are putting on a DISPLAY OF OUR LOVE, is our relationship to the Lord intensifying by the day, and secondly, are we discerning, or understanding more comprehensively?

Any ministry that we are either afforded or seek for,  has to have the foundation and motivation of love. Too many ministers today seem to use the ministry to enhance their own reputation, pocket, ego, influence, and any other one of a myriad of selfish pursuits. The Apostle leaves us in no doubt in verse 9, that the only basis for proceeding to verse 10 is if we have ABOUNDING AND EXTENSIVE AND OBVIOUS LOVE as verse 9 nominates.

Does “Greater depth of Acquaintance” strike a chord? Getting acquainted means getting to know and we are familiar with the truth from Psalm 46:10. The more we apply the principles of this Psalm the more we will get to know Him.

I can tell how “still” you have been because it shows up according to verse nine. It will also show up by your “DISCERNMENT”, both in the word and in your relationships, in fact in all things. It is called in verse nine “comprehensive discernment”, which is the loosing of the complicated and clearing of the obscure.

But it intensifies in verse nine still further: –


  • Knowledge ) I suggest this refers to the Word,
  • Insight ) not to spurious matters.

What a display this will provide! Maybe even our lives will be a contrast, and we can even handle that when LOVE abounds. (Ephesians 5:11)

I can also tell if your Love is abounding, but sometimes it is just “bounding”, or leaping up and down. A good idea is to compare our behaviour with the revised translation or paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13 provided by Linda, but let’s just pick a couple of the items listed.

1  CORINTHIANS 13:4-8              (Courtesy Linda Jeanneret)            

 I will be tolerant……  giving you generous respect

I will be patient with you

I will be kind to you

I will not be envious of you, your achievements, what you have

I will not become jealous

I will not  boast of, or exhibit, an exaggerated opinion of my own importance or ability

I will not be conceited or proud or act arrogantly

I will not be rude or act unmannerly towards you

I will not act unbecomingly

I will not insist on my own rights or insist on my own ways, for I will not be selfish

I will not be touchy, fretful or upset

I will not resent anything you do or say

I will take no account and pay no attention to anything you do against me

I will not support you or condone or hold with you in any unrighteous or unjust speaking or doing, but I will rejoice and encourage you when you choose the truth and live uprightly

I will overlook and forgive and cover with silence any and every one of your shortcomings

I will have faith and believe in you

I will pray, hope for, expect and anticipate the very best for you in all circumstances

I will not waiver in my support for you

I will not let you down…..   you can count on me

If this all looks too hard then we need to look back to 2 Peter 1:3 where we are cautioned to “develop” then “exercise”.


 Obviously there is not enough time or space to address the issue and subject of LOVE in this study, so it is contingent upon each of us to engage in the same injunction as that required around The Lord’s Table, “LET A MAN EXAMINE HIMSELF”.

Galatians 5:22 establishes that if we have fruit, borne of the Holy Spirit, then the first of the crop, like that early box of Mangoes,  is “LOVE”, and it is not until this first fruit appears that we can then expect the other fruit to follow and  mature, each in its season, or more precisely, AS REQUIRED!!!

Having satisfied that requirements of verse 9, we are then ready to enrol in the first semester of verse 10.

We need to understand that “LEARNING TO SENSE” is a totally different thing to “COMMON SENSE”, and “common sense” is not that common. The bible warns us against being too confident in our common sense because it has some fragilities.

Romans 8:6                                         Now the MIND OF THE FLESH (or what we know as “common sense”.. comments mine) [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. BUT THE MIND OF THE [HOLY] SPIRIT IS LIFE AND [SOUL] PEACE [BOTH NOW AND FOREVER].

I would like to refer you to the study “Are We Ready” to assist in assessing the “mind of the flesh”.

The academic approach to scripture is often questionable as men have tried to either understand or rationalise the Word of God through their head knowledge rather than their heart knowledge, called “experience”, that experience of God revealing His truths in His Wisdom.

2 Timothy 3:7  (KJV)                        Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Learning is not just books and study, it is far more intense than that, and Ephesians clarifies how we go about it. If you take a verse of scripture, then see what several different commentaries have to say, they almost invariably have a different explanation, and often contradictory. That’s why our intense study and application is irreplaceable.

Ephesians 5:10                                    AND TRY TO LEARN [IN YOUR EXPERIENCE] what is pleasing to the Lord [let your lives be constant proofs of what is most acceptable to Him].

Experience is a great teacher, have you ever put your hand on a hot plate, will you do it again, have you driven too fast though a speed camera, will you do it again? Some people never learn by experience, they keep repeating the same mistake over and over again and hope they will get a different result.

Some of us learn from the mistakes of others, the rest of us are the others!

Experience means, “The fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through DIRECT observation or participation”.  Does this not alleviate any ambiguity as to what we are to participate in if we are going to “LEARN TO SENSE”. I hear some saying, “I cannot learn things readily, well you can learn CPR, sniffer dogs can “sense” drugs, explosives, dead bodies, criminals, and they are just dogs, so we surely can “LEARN TO SENSE.”

Do you know how to worry, do you know how to assert yourself, do you know how to provoke? How do you know how to do these things? BECAUSE YOU HAVE PRACTICED THEM!!!!!  So you have the ability to “LEARN”, it just requires practice.

Let me give you an example. In most major centres now there is within the hospital system a “Dental Service”. It has a twofold purpose, one is to provide a service to those in need, at no cost, and secondly to give the dental students practice.

I have recently taken advantage of this service and I hesitantly, no, reluctantly, even grudgingly climb into the long shiny plastic covered seat, to evidence my gracious nature and my enduring appreciation (NOT)  with emphasis on “enduring”, and allow the student to PRACTICE.

This is so they can qualify and so I consider my noble submission to the students is my great enduring contribution to mankind!  THEY HAVE TO PRACTICE, AND THEY DO IT ON ME!!!!!

Now that you can identify with this “EXPERIENCE”, the same “PROCESS” applies to us, for us to gain our DOCTORATE IN LOVE, we too have to “PRACTICE”. (1 Timothy 4:15 AMP)

We have people before and around us, supine on shiny seats of need, waiting for us to put our therapeutic fingers in their mouths of need, with the intention of them being able to properly chew over the truth we share and be properly nourished as they ruminate and digest the Word.

Because it is done in love, because the procedure may cause some discomfort, we have to evidence that we are men and women of repute (Acts 6:3) all good students, evidencing promise in our pursuit of Philippians 1:10, then our “LEARNING”  will be recognised by our white coats of LOVE.

The dentist “DIAGNOSES” but we “DISCERN”, one is head knowledge the other heart knowledge. My “REPUTE” will not be as a result of my writing, but as a result of my example. Neither the diagnosis or the discernment are of any value unless acted upon.


As we continue, I cannot stress strenuously enough, that the things that occur in our day, whether they be enjoyable or repulsive, have the touch of Gods hand upon them. We are often the perpetrators of actions that are not “VITAL” as we will see, but are “CONSEQUENTIAL” due to either our stupidity, presumption, or ignorance, which even the law says is “no plea”, and then we fail to consider that the “EXPERIENCE” we went through in this event, was really an experience to try and make us “LEARN”.

An appreciation of the scripture that says “Whom He loves He chastens” is better understood when we realise that the word “Chastens” is the outcome of Fathers concern for our schooling and our qualifying. The word really means “Teaching or Training”.

Excuse me for labouring the point, but there are too many people who  claim to be Christian that when things are not just as they require, they refuse to learn from that EXPERIENCE, (Ephesians 5:10) they continue in their error and clearly show that they have not learned the necessity for love in the context of 1 Corinthians 12, a chapter worth reviewing on a regular basis. The original root for the word “hypocrite” is “actor”.

The “LEARN TO SENSE”, or K JV says “choose”, relates to discernment – we have no trouble in knowing right from wrong but we need to be able to select what is the very best.

PROVING”  from G1381               These are the words used in the original meaning:- TEST, APPROVE, ALLOW, DISCERN, EXAMINE, TRY.  But to do so requires our having qualified in the learning process and emerged with a doctorate in love. But to qualify we need to practice. With that in mind we can begin to look at what we need to explore the “SO THAT” of Philippians 1:10. We may only get to look at this first requirement here.


The following aspects will be an advantageous study.

  • Excellent
  • Real value
  • Highest
  • Best
  • Moral differences

We will restrict this study to the first quality for brevity sake, as I suggest the other virtues will then follow.

VITAL” is a vital word!!! Amplified Translation carries much more emphasis that the KJV, when it says “VITAL”, but in referring to the Lexicon where KJV is using “APPROVE”, it spreads the meaning further.

The word “VITAL” is followed by other terms, one of which is “APPROVE.”  “To differ, to test, prove, the good things that differ  —   to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful, to approve of things that excel, to differ from one  —  to excel, surpass one”.

This word “APPROVE” is inserted here so that we understand that we not only are required to know “ABOUT” something, we need to know if it is OK or not.

Depending on your preferred translation, the word is translated in different versions:-

“vital”                    AMP

“Excellent”          ASV

“best things”      BBE

“important”        ERV

“best”                   ISV

“excellent”         KJV

This now places a great degree of responsibility on our shoulders, we cannot ignore the rest of the qualities because we have to “LEARN” in more than one area. The good and evil bit should not be too hard, but in “things that differ” would seem to indicate that we have to be fully cognisant of those areas of doctrine and principle that tend to creep into the church if we are not completely on our guard.

1 Thessalonians 5:21                       But test and prove all things [UNTIL YOU CAN RECOGNIZE] what is good; [to that] hold fast.

This is real “DISCERNMENT” and is generally an awareness at the time of the event. I think Father works on a “need to know” basis, rather than “I want to know” basis. That said, it does not preclude His alerting us to events or matters yet to occur.

The Greek meaning for VITAL that we looked at now looks like this:-

TEST, APPROVE, ALLOW, DISCERN, EXAMINE, TRY. All of these abilities come under the first heading of “VITAL”, there are still other “school subjects “ in this course to master, and so we have a steep learning curve and an admirable qualification awaiting us as we get past the mental or academic acceptance of God’s Word and reach that practiced skill of:-



But as the list progresses, the demand becomes more onerous, “Approve things that  excel”, a step up from the earlier requirement, “the good things that differ”.

Continued study of the other “qualifications” is highly recommended.



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