PATTERNS                                                                                         ROSS SMITH  011216


 1 Thessalonians  1:7                        SO THAT (refer to verse 6, the need to be imitators  ..  comments mine)  you [thus] became a PATTERN to all the believers (those who adhere to, trust in, and rely on Christ Jesus) in Macedonia and Achaia (most of Greece).

 Ephesians  5:1                                    THEREFORE  (remember what it is “therefore”, and refer to chapter 5 for behaviour patterns  .. comments mine) BE IMITATORS OF GOD [copy Him and follow HIS EXAMPLE], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].

 Imitation is a practical duty, not an academic hypothesis, imitators are more than and admirers. It requires that we adopt the “PATTERNS” that are set before us pragmatically in scripture.  (James 1:22 and 24)

 To “love” is to adore

To “obey” is to praise

To “ACT” is to worship, and this is the principle involved here.

PATTERN(AMP )  or  ENSAMPLE (KJV)     too’-pos

 From G5180; “TOOPOS”  a die (as struck), that is, (by implication) a stamp or scar; by analogy a shape, that is, a statue, (figuratively) style or resemblance; specifically a sampler (“type”), that is, a model (for imitation) or instance (for warning): – en- (ex-) ample, fashion, figure, form, manner, pattern, print.

 I think we often gloss over verses like this as Paul was speaking to those in Asia, and so we despatch or ignore the truth because the context relates to Asia, and the lesson is lost because we fail to recognise and apply the principle, and therefore miss the accrued benefits.

 A “Pattern” can be described as an example, a blue print, a design or model. A pattern is intended as a guide for making something else, a model that is worthy of imitation, whilst “imitation” is considered the greatest form of flattery”.  A die is used to produce multiple copies.

 Father has set patterns right throughout the Word, not just for our interest sake, or to see how it was done in antiquity, but for us to follow and apply, exactly and meticulously.

 John 8:47                                             Whoever is of God listens (heeds)  to God. [Those who belong to God hear the words of God.] This is the reason that you do not listen [to those words, to Me]: because (A) you do not belong to God and (B) are not of God or in harmony with Him.

 He sets up the criteria in Corinthians, and assumes we have the knowledge of what is required by making a simple statement:-

 1 Corinthians 14:40                          But all things should be done with regard to decency and propriety and in an orderly fashion.

 An “orderly fashion” means an established trend, an example that has been tested and proven.

 “ORDERLINESS”                                                “The quality of appreciating method and system, a condition of regular or proper arrangement”. This description is basically identifying that there is a pattern to follow, with a result that is both practical and desirable.

 We have recently seen that there is a command for us to follow as found in Philippians 1:10, and part of the challenge is not only to sense the vitality of the matter, but also apply the vitality of the matter.

 Philippians  1:10                                So that you may surely LEARN to sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value [recognizing the highest and the best, and distinguishing the moral differences], and that you may be untainted and pure and unerring and blameless [so that with hearts sincere and certain and unsullied, you may approach] the day of Christ [not stumbling nor causing others to stumble].

 Four ways to learn,    1. Visual,   2. Auditory,   3. Tactile,   4. Kinaesthetic

 If we stumble, others stumble, they follow our pattern. ONE STUMBLE IS ENOUGH TO DEFACE THE CHARACTER OF AN HONOURABLE LIFE.

 We are fortunate that we have great examples and patterns set out throughout scripture, but   if we are like those who refuse to recognise God and His patterns, we are “without excuse”.   (Romans 1:20) Even when we go far back into antiquity we find that Father was quite adamant that the designs He had conceived before ever time began were precise and complete in every respect. Moses was commissioned to build the Tabernacle in the wilderness but was given no latitude as to the colour schemes, the furniture, the dimensions, the materials   or any other aspect.

 Exodus 25:40                                      And see to it that you COPY [EXACTLY] THEIR PATTERN which was shown you on the mountain.

 Hebrews 8:5                                       [But these (the OT Priests …   comments mine) offer] service [merely] as a PATTERN and as a foreshadowing of [what has its true existence and reality in] the heavenly sanctuary. For when Moses was about to erect the tabernacle, he was warned by God, saying, SEE TO IT THAT YOU MAKE IT ALL [EXACTLY] ACCORDING TO THE COPY (THE MODEL) WHICH WAS SHOWN TO YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN.

(See Exodus 25:40 & Acts 7:44, Hebrews 9:23, Colossians 2:17)

 There is also a parallel in the construction of Solomon’s Temple, the Divine Architect had laid down plans and specifications that were to be strictly adhered to

 1 Chronicles  28:19                           All this the Lord made me (David) understand by the writing by His hand upon me, all the work to be done ACCORDING TO THE PLAN.

 So the reinforcement of the principle was carried through and repeated as a New Testament example in Hebrews, and the Bible is replete with examples for us to follow and adhere to. The instructions to Joshua way back, are as relevant today to those who would call themselves “Christian” and there is a prescription for us to follow.

 Joshua 1:8                                           This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, THAT YOU MAY OBSERVE AND DO ACCORDING TO ALL THAT IS WRITTEN IN IT. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.

 Joshua 11:15                                      As the Lord had commanded Moses His servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did; HE LEFT NOTHING UNDONE of all that the Lord commanded Moses.

 In other words, “DO IT EXACTLY”. The plans and specifications for our behaviour and life style are detailed, they are concise, they are logically laid out, they are not “adjustable”, they need nothing added or removed, they are of the same order as given to Moses, “DO IT EXACTLY LIKE I SHOWED YOU”, absolute precision is required.

 God’s purpose is carried out when His pattern is followed. If I don’t follow God’s pattern, then I failed to carry out His purpose. Acts 2:42 says “continue steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine”.

 Jeremiah 33:25                                  Thus says the Lord: If My covenant with day and night does not stand, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of the heavens and the earth [the whole order of nature],

 God’s “patterns” are reflected in creation on every hand, the absolute co-ordination and synchronisation and maintenance of the universe is part of Gods covenant, His design, His exactness, impeccable precision, and we take it for granted.

 The enormity of the design that Paul espouses in 1 Thessalonians 1:7, is not just that we should follow his example, even though we are inclined to hold up Paul as the epitome of Christian behaviour, but in verse 6 he extends the solemnity of the charge when he says:-

 “And you [SET YOURSELVES to] (in other words, make a commitment, abandon divided loyalties, get rid of idols  ..  comments mine)   become IMITATORS of us AND [THROUGH US] OF THE LORD HIMSELF”.

 Here the Apostle is explaining that he and the other Apostles were not only setting a good example, but they were actually representing the Lord Himself in the manner that they conducted themselves, and thereby eliminates any potential for deviation away from the purity of the Gospel and the Architect of the pattern. He is so convinced of his relationship to the Lord that he expounds this further in:-

 1 Corinthians 4:16                            So I urge and implore you, be imitators of me.

1 Corinthians 11:1                            PATTERN YOURSELVES after me [follow my EXAMPLE], as I IMITATE and follow Christ (the Messiah).

 Paul not only identified and taught such doctrine as they were to BELIEVE, but led such a life as they were to EMULATE AND DEMONSTRATE. Whilst we may be accused of being presumptuous if we made such a similar statement at the moment, the potential lies within each of us, the design or pattern is inherent, so that others can “copy” our evidence of the original design. So what is the pattern that Paul is speaking of, let us take some examples, and see if we can match the specifications. It is called “a life of contrast”   (Ephesians 5:11)  (Genesis 1:26  In His likeness and image)

 Philippians  2:4-8                              Let each of you ESTEEM and look upon and be CONCERNED for not [merely] his own INTERESTS, but also each for the interests of others. Let this same ATTITUDE and PURPOSE and [HUMBLE] MIND be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your EXAMPLE IN HUMILITY:] Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained, BUT STRIPPED HIMSELF [OF ALL PRIVILEGES AND RIGHTFUL DIGNITY],(This seems to be  good start for each one of us, it takes away the pursuit of preference and replaces it with the practice of patterns  ..  comments mine)   so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being. And after He had appeared in human form, HE ABASED AND HUMBLED HIMSELF [STILL FURTHER] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross!

 This is humility in the ultimate, “He humbled Himself STILL FURTHER.”

 Now we have not been called to endure crucifixion as Jesus underwent, but we are certainly obliged to carry out a crucifixion of self, that “Dying to Self” which enables us to “PATTERN” ourselves after God. Even if we take and apply and demonstrate just the first example of Philippians 2:4, “esteem and look upon and be concerned for not [merely] his own interests, but also each for the interests of others”, we will be well on the way to pursuing Paul’s example and his injunction, and progressing to being able to issue a similar invitation to “IMITATE”.

 The concerns we have for our own esteem, our credibility, our rights, our say so, our opinion, the list continues, is a direct and contradictory pattern of behaviour to that prescribed above. No doubt it is a pattern that we would like to see in other people, they would be much easier to live with, to communicate with, in fact we would probably view them as being somewhat Christlike!!!

 If we would be “CHRISTLIKE” it is imperative that we become “IMITATORS”.

 Ephesians 5:1                     THEREFORE BE IMITATORS OF GOD [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]

 Whilst the world may view “Imitation as the sincerest form of flattery” I think I would be elated to be charged with imitation in line with Ephesians 5:1

 The first question is “How can we imitate if we don’t know the person or the subject?”  The second question is “what does it mean to “imitate.”” Can we use other words that will clarify for us the intention of that which the Apostle recommended.

IMITATE        to make or do something the same way as (something else) (follow the pattern)

  to do the same thing as (someone) else (follow the pattern

  to copy (someone’s or something’s behaviour, sound, appearance, etc.(to follow the pattern)

Hebrews  6:12                                   In order that you may not grow disinterested and become [spiritual] sluggards, BUT IMITATORS, behaving as do those who through faith (by their leaning of the entire personality on God in Christ in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness) and by practice of patient endurance and waiting are [now] inheriting the promises.

It is not possible, in the natural, other than via some genetics we inherited, to imitate our biological fathers “likeness”, although there is always a large degree of genetic influence.  The only way we can truly “imitate” our father is in our “behaviour.” Now to some that would be considered a disaster, for the example or character some fathers display/ed is one we would hasten to distance ourselves from.  Things like domestic violence, child abuse, drug taking, disrespect, laziness, appetite for the mundane etc.

 We are required not only to think about God, that is, time spent in contemplation and meditation, for often we will feel that we have adequately met our obligations for the day, if we have read for a while, if we have prayed for a while, if we have sat still for a while, did a bit of study.  NO, we have to replicate that which we see in our study. We need to imitate the character of God, that “Wisdom from Above”.

What are the things that come to mind when we think about imitating our God? Some things we would rather ignore because they would run counter to our preferences, of which we should have already dispensed, others we would chose to avoid because it would demean my persona, some we would like to see in other people but they really don’t fit with who I see myself as, we want them to change before I will change!!!

 Then there are others that we definitely would like to portray, things like all the characteristics of the Wisdom from above, and just in case we have forgotten let me fresh our memory from James 3:17.

  • Pure
  • Peaceable
  • Gentle
  • Easy to be entreated See “Factor of Eight Study”
  • Full of mercy
  • Full of good fruits
  • Without partiality
  • Without hypocrisy.

 Does not that sound like a good place to start to “IMITATE” God, how attractive we would be as an ambassador for Christ if we were able to “IMITATE” and evidence the full spectrum of “moral excellence” that these traits carry. And remember, they are all available to us, we just have to ask (James 1:5) and the Bible says it will be given to us. We just have to remember that it comes at a cost (Proverbs 5:1)and we will be given ample opportunity to show the Lord we have adopted the characteristics above by the way we respond to the circumstance and answer the challenge.

 Genesis 1:26                      God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] MAKE MANKIND IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.

The reason we don’t look “Christlike” is because we are still becoming “Christlike on the inside, only then it gets to the outside.

This verse is telling because the intention was “MAKE MANKIND IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS”, so it covers both our nature and our appearance.


This was the original purpose and creation of God, He made us to be like Him, but the Garden of Eden proved to be the undoing of that original plan and so God the Father had to arrange for His prize creation to be brought back from the pit of corruption. And so, if we are inclined to be called “Christian” then we should be inclined to become “original”, and that involves a whole lot of replication or imitation, commonly called “a new creation”. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

God has very attractive characteristic that we would not only do well to imitate but in fact we are commanded to imitate, the Bible says “GOD IS LOVE.” If we are to faintly reflect the God we own, then it will start with this injunction, and without this “LOVE” then we have no claim to be His disciples.

John 13:35                           By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, (A “Disciple” is one who follows the discipline of the leader, or “imitates” the leader  ..  comments mine) IF YOU LOVE ONE ANOTHER [if you keep on showing love among yourselves].


  • to follow or endeavour to follow as a model or example:
  • to imitate an author’s style; to imitate an older brother.
  • to mimic; impersonate:
  • to make a copy of; reproduce closely.
  • to have or assume the appearance of; simulate; resemble.

To                    copy is to duplicate an original as precisely as possible:

To                    mimic is to make a close imitation, often to ridicule:
To                    ape is to follow another’s lead, often with an absurd result:
To                    parody is either to imitate comically or to attempt a serious                                imitation and fail:

To                    simulate is to replicate something’s appearance or character:

 No matter how many descriptions and definitions we accumulate, we will still conceive in our own mind what it means to “IMITATE”, and so we really need to explore scripture to create a model on which we can base our behaviour patterns, to identify the nature of God, no matter how confronting or how desirable, we do not have the prerogative to choose which ones we will adopt and which ones we will ignore.


 Before we go into extensive lists of the attributes of our God, there is one that should take our real focus, and that is He is the “FORGIVER.” That is the only reason you and I are here today, and that is the first attribute we should copy, for it is the first act of “LOVE” and Jesus demonstrated this, so it is a characteristic for us to imitate. Love, Humility and Forgiveness all go hand in hand, a blue print for our life.

 Just a sample of His attributes we should imitate/copy/emulate        (SEE THE LISTING AT THE END OF THE STUDY)

 It is one thing to provide a list, it is another to actually look at the verses and see the rich intentions of the descriptions of the One we should imitate, so these verses will set us on a course of identifying the characteristic we should manifest.

 Mark 12:29                          Jesus answered, The first and principal one of all commands is: Hear, O Israel, THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD;  . (And His intentions that we should be “ONE” and also form “ONE BODY”)

John 3:33                             Whoever receives His testimony has set his seal of approval to this: GOD IS TRUE. [That man has definitely certified, acknowledged, declared once and for all, and is himself assured that it is divine truth that God cannot lie].

John 4:24                             GOD IS A SPIRIT (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).

 John 8:47                             WHOEVER IS OF GOD LISTENS TO GOD. [Those who belong to God hear the words of God.] This is the reason that you do not listen [to those words, to Me]: because you do not belong to God and are not of God or IN HARMONY WITH HIM.

Acts 8:37                              And Philip said, If you believe with all your heart [if you have a conviction, full of joyful trust, that JESUS IS THE MESSIAH AND ACCEPT HIM AS THE AUTHOR OF YOUR SALVATION in the kingdom of God, giving Him your obedience, then] you may. And he replied, I do believe that JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD.

 Acts 10:34                            And Peter opened his mouth and said: Most certainly and thoroughly I now perceive and understand that GOD SHOWS NO PARTIALITY AND IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS,

Romans 2:11                      FOR GOD SHOWS NO PARTIALITY [undue favor or unfairness; with Him one man is not different from another].

1Corinthians 1:9                GOD IS FAITHFUL (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

1Corinthians 1:24             But to those who are called, whether Jew or Greek (Gentile), CHRIST [IS] THE POWER OF GOD AND THE WISDOM OF GOD.

Exodus 15:26                      Saying, If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God and will do what is right in His sight, and will listen to and obey His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you which I brought upon the Egyptians, FOR I AM THE LORD WHO HEALS YOU.

From the examples above we must identify those characteristics we can most readily apply, then conscientiously and sincerely work at all the other attributes that make up the nature and behaviour of God.

 This may sound an impossible task, but it is in the persistent and consistent and meticulous application of those directions we see in God’s Word that will bring us to the standard, the pattern, the blue print, that Father originally intended and will again reach completion in Eternity.



Love 1 John  4:16
Spirit John 4:24
The Holy One Psalm 16:10
The I Am John 8:58
God Almighty Exodus 6:3
A Miracle Working God Galatians 3:5
The Creator of the World John 1:3
All Powerful Jeremiah 32:17, 27
All Knowing 1 John 3:20
Ever Present Psalm 139:1, 13
Unchangeable Numbers 23:19
The Way, Truth & Life John 14:6
The Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6
The King of Kings & Lord of Lords Revelation 17:14
The Bright & Morning Star Revelation 22:16
The Way, Truth & Life John 14:6
The Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6
The King of Kings & Lord of Lords Revelation 17:14
The Lamb of God Revelation 5:6
The Bread of Life John 6:48-58
The Bright & Morning Star Revelation 22:16
The Light of the World John 8:12
Immanuel Isaiah 7:14
Wonderful Counsellor Isaiah 9:6

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