DIVIDED LOYALTIES                                                                                    ROSS SMITH


DIVIDED LOYALTIES” is probably a less offensive or polite term than “DOUBLE MINDED” for those persons who either cannot or will not make a decision, and follow-through on it, those who are in fact “double minded”. The same condition existed in Old Testament times as we read in:-

Joshua 24:15                                      And if it seems EVIL to you to serve the Lord, CHOOSE   (ACTUALLY MEANS “MAKE A DECISION”)  FOR YOURSELVES (Don’t make your decision on what other people do or think)  THIS DAY WHOM  (not “what”  ..  comments mine) YOU WILL SERVE, whether the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell; BUT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.

When we do a calculation, where does the result show up?   ON THE BOTTOM LINE!!!!  And this is what Joshua is asking, what is your bottom line, and as with any calculation there are no two right answers. (Luke 16:13)

The word “EVIL” above means “irksome, a burden, weariness, without pleasure, no delight, objectionable, inconvenient”. We must see if any of these fit our nature.

Likewise, the word “gods” is not a “WHOM” but a “WHAT”, and that is basically identifying the appetites that constitute idolatry.

The verse makes good sense standing all alone, but it gains even more gravity when seen in its larger context. The context is that the verse is uttered by Joshua, at the end of his life, in his final oration that summons the people to obedience as he prepares to die. The stakes are of the highest sort, life-and-death variety: imminent death for Joshua, covenantal self-destruction if Israel fails to (re)commit.

But in the day we live there is the same challenge, even if the conditions are different, the choice is the same, but probably more serious, because we are approaching the very last times and the time for repentance and performance is fast evaporating.

In our explorations of the word “HOLINESS” we found that it means basically, “WHOLEHEARTEDNESS” and this is where my concentration lies in this study, as this also identifies “DIVIDED LOYALTIES

The dictionary does not explain “Wholeheartedness” in the manner we need to understand, it simply says:-

WHOLEHEARTEDNESS”               “fully or completely sincere, enthusiastic, energetic, etc.; hearty; earnest:” This is not a bad dictionary description, but unfortunately it is poorly understood and infrequently applied, it is a secular concept but with a spiritual precept.

Whilst the Amplified Bible is the only translation that uses the word “WHOLEHEARTEDNESS” it is useful in that it takes the original and expands the intent in such an eloquent manner.

The relevant word “wholeheartedness” when used in the KJV is as follows:-

  • Genesis 17:1 perfect
  • Psalm 119:80 sound
  • Proverbs 11:20                upright
  • Ezekiel 36:5 joy of all their heart
  • 2 Corinthians 11:3 simplicity
  • James 3:17 without partiality

Nowhere in all these words is there any opportunity for “half heartedness, double mindedness or “divided loyalties” and so we have a platform for reviewing how committed we are to the things of Christ, or if there are grey areas that require immediate attention. These grey areas generally include those listed in the verse below, but more obvious in “SELFISHNESS AND SELF ASSERTION”.

2 Corinthians 12:20                         For I am fearful that somehow or other I may come and find you not as I desire to find you, and that you may find me too not as you want to find me–that PERHAPS there may be factions (quarrelling), jealousy, temper (wrath, intrigues, rivalry, DIVIDED LOYALTIES), selfishness, whispering, gossip, arrogance (self-assertion), and disorder among you.

Those items listed above are “grey areas” or “Personality disorders” and have no place in the committed Christian.

What a confronting verse, initially Paul says that there is a lack of appreciation of each other. But more serious is the basket of conditions that attend this aberration of our nature. I do not think you can just isolate one trait and ignore the rest, they are all of the same genre, and if we evidence one, then dare I suggest that the other traits are lurking shallow beneath some veneer of decency, just waiting for the opportunity to display themselves. They are like the little bit of yeast, it soon infects the lump.

The one however that is consequential is ”DIVIDED LOYALTIES”.

There is another term that immediately springs to mind when we speak of “DIVIDED LOYALTIES” and that is a far more confronting term, and one I am sure we would strenuously resent it if it was applied to our situation or behaviour.

That term is “HYPOCRISY”, and is just the opposite to “HOLINESS”.

HOLINESS               =          WHOLEHEARTEDNESS



DIVIDED LOYALTIES” include several different descriptions,

HALF HEARTED CHRISTIANS, or DOUBLE MINDED CHRISTIANS, are identified by the Greek:-  “G1364 and G5590; two spirited, that is, vacillating (in opinion or purpose): – double minded. (Can’t decide!!)


This sort of individual falls under scriptural contempt when they are called “dirty cups”. (Matthew 23:26) and “white washed sepulchres” (Matthew 23:27), they look good on the outside but are unclean on the inside.

Matthews description in verse 27 is very apt. In the middle east the graves or tombs of the departed were regularly white washed so that anyone passing by would readily see them and not touch them, because to do so would mean that they would become polluted. So the gleaming “outside” betrayed the corruption “inside”, a very poignant description of the behaviour and pattern that a man of “DIVIDED LOYALTIES” would represent. If Jesus came to our church and saw how we conduct ourselves, then visited our home, we must ask, did He get what He saw, or were we different in the home?

If we are to continue to profess that we are Christians, then  we have to realise that we have to be FULL TIME CHRISTIANS. If this is not our present position then we need to look more closely at the word “HYPOCRISY” as it represents a particular  class of people.

The etymology of the word is as follows:-

HYPOCRISY”    Middle English: from Old French ypocrisie, via ecclesiastical Latin, from Greek hupokrisisacting of a theatrical part’, from hupokrinesthaiplay a part, pretend’, from hupo ‘under’ + krinein ‘decide, judge’.

Wikipedia is even more succinct,               “HYPOCRISY” is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence in general sense, dissimulation, pretence, sham.

In terms we understand it means AN ACTOR, A SHAM!!!! Or a man with “DIVIDED LOYALTIES” or a “DOUBLE MIND.”

Now actors generally are not full time actors, they play their role in whatever sphere of the arts they have chosen, and then when that is complete they await the next role, each one requiring that they adjust their “persona” to fit the character or nature of the one portrayed, their true nature hidden behind their costume or mask of anonymity. Their whole occupation is HYPOCRISY. An apt description of people who claim to be Christian, but are not “FULL TIME”.

It is not too far a stretch to conclude that we oft times engage in similar theatrics, looking good when we are supposed to but then reverting to the irrepressible “self” when the occasion suits.

The Prophet Hosea had quite something to say to the Israelites way back in history, and dare I suggest that the message he brought is still relevant today.

Hosea 10:2                                          Their heart is divided and deceitful; now shall they be found guilty and suffer punishment. The Lord will smite and break down [the horns of] their altars; He will destroy their [idolatrous] pillars.

This is the same as the “gods” of Joshua 24 (SEE STUDY, “AVERSION TO IDOLS”)

This same division evidenced in the hearts of the Israelites is replicated today both in the church and in the people, for the various denominations have their particular creed, and their preferred doctrine, it is a from of Godliness, a pantomime, and the people in general are of a divided heart, compromising the gospel to accommodate the world. 

2 Corinthians  11:13-15                  FOR SUCH MEN are false apostles [spurious, counterfeits], deceitful workmen, MASQUERADING as apostles (special messengers) of Christ (the Messiah). And it is no wonder, for SATAN HIMSELF MASQUERADES as an angel of light; So it is not surprising if HIS SERVANTS ALSO MASQUERADE as ministers of righteousness. [But] their end will correspond with their deeds.

The Bible says “a house divided against itself cannot stand, (Mark 3:25)  and it goes even deeper according to:-

Luke 11:18                                          And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom last?

DIVIDED LOYALTIES or HALF HEARTEDNESS” leads to fatal disease, for in the natural we can mostly live, although it be uncomfortably with some ailments, but if our heart is “unsound” then the whole of our existence is blighted because of the dysfunctional heart.

The best place to place ones loyalties is in that which is real and which has lasting qualities. Loyalty when not put to the test is very easy, but when loyalty is really needed there are few to be found who remain faithful. When we cease to be faithful we become known as faithless, or “DISLOYAL”. This type of person only shows loyalty when it is to his personal advantage to be loyal. So, his life is lived on the surface and has no depth, just an “act or sham”. For a person to be truly loyal there has to be quality and depth in that person, and there are few people in this world that have that quality, or are determined to develop that quality.

One of the major oddities of a person with “DIVIDED LOYALTIES” is that they mostly don’t recognise the condition and are content to “ACT THE PART” when it is necessary to maintain the charade and then revert to what suits their passion at other times. There are scores of people walking around with heart conditions that they are unaware of, sometimes until it is too late, the end result is death, untimely and tragically because it may have been treated.


Anything that takes the place of God is idolatrous, and so we have to conclude that “DIVIDED LOYALTIES” constitute idolatry because there is that dilution of commitment, that abandonment of Holiness, the taint of selfishness, the pursuit of the pointless, the worthless thoughts, the agitating passions, the neglect of study or application of the keys God gives us.

Do you think God must get disgusted with the mickey mouse Christians who use His name but not His resources?  When the practice of our profession becomes a FORMALITY, then there is questionable evidence of our “LOYALTY”.

Another evidence of “DIVIDED LOYALTIES” is ”INCONSISTENCY”, and this blight is like yeast, it spreads through the whole lump, it is a contaminant, a catalyst for corruption. The bible paints a cryptic picture of this condition.

2 Corinthians  6:14                                          Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers [do not make mismated alliances with them or come under a different yoke with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what partnership have right living and right standing with God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light have fellowship with darkness? (Only by compromise  ..  comments mine)

In the context of what we are studying, those people we associate with that do not embrace the truth in its pure unadulterated form, those who play church, those who want to go to church to either maintain their sham or to be entertained, may I respectfully suggest they fall in the category of “INCONSISTENT WITH YOUR FAITH”. !!!!!

Ezekiel  18:29 (ISV)                                          Yet Israel’s house keeps saying, ‘The LORD isn’t being consistent with his standards.’ Is it my behaviour that’s inconsistent with my standards? Is it not your behaviour that’s inconsistent with my standards?”

See also Matthew 3:8 (AMP) and 2 Chronicles 30:19 (ISV)


James 1:23 – 24                                 For if anyone only listens to the Word without obeying it and being a doer of it, he is like a man who looks carefully at his [own] natural face in a mirror; For he  THOUGHTFULLY observes himself, (suggestive of a narcisstic nature, the “selfishness and self assertion of 2 Corinthians 12:20  ..  comments mine) and then goes off and promptly forgets what he was like.


The pressure of the Holy Spirit in our lives to study the Word of God with intensity is frequently bypassed by our involvement in things inappropriate. What we read or hear is buried beneath the weight of current events, and our reaction is often inappropriate.

And in context with James 1-8, it is the neglect of proper study and revision that carries the intent of this verse, it is not enough to just read the bible, or to attend church when it suits, or reflect on how nice the Psalm was we read, we have to pay attention to “what we look like”, the truth that the mirror reflects. The mirror of the Word  contains no distortions, and if we are consistent with our profession we will abandon those things that either dilute or contaminate or “DIVIDE” our “LOYALTIES”.

This extends into those areas of people we associate with, if they are not able to contribute to absolute abandonment to God, then there is a malaise of “Divided Loyalty”, and this is an infective agency.

I often reflect on the rewrite of 1 Corinthians 13 that Linda penned and the last stanza is  so relevant to what we are looking at, as follows, in verse 8:-

I will not let you down…..   you can count on me

That is a characteristic of “CONSISTENCY” or a fundamental of “LOYALTY”, where no question is, or can be asked about our dedication and absolute singleness of heart. It will be a fearsome thing if we reach the end of time and face the questioning face of the Lord as we stand before him, and He repeats to us the example He gave in Luke.

Luke 13:24-27                                    Strive to enter by the narrow door [force yourselves through it], for MANY,  (See Hebrews 12:15 re “The Many”  .. comments mine)  I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house gets up and closes the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door [again and again], saying, Lord, open to us! He will answer you, I do not know where [what household–certainly not Mine] you come from.  Then you will begin to say, We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets. But He will say, I TELL YOU, I DO NOT KNOW WHERE [WHAT HOUSEHOLD–CERTAINLY NOT MINE] YOU COME FROM; DEPART FROM ME, ALL YOU WRONGDOERS!

Often there is the excuse of ignorance, but ignorance is but a symptom of NEGLECT AND INCONSISTENCY AND DIVIDED LOYALTIES AND HALF HEARTEDNESS.

Although we might see the little digression we make at times into those areas where we know intrinsically that they are not consistent with a “CHRISTLIKE” profession, whether it be to engage with people who are not conducive, whether it be to attend events which are not conducive, whether it be to answer roughly or in anger, whether it be to deliberately exceed the speed limit, whether it be to be lax in our work, whether it be self assertion!!!!!

All these things, and the list is open for addition, are evidences of “DIVIDED LOYALTIES” because almost without exception, you can relate the relevant scripture that addresses these matters, and if not able to cite the verse, we surely are able to repair to our study and dig out the concordance so that our conscience is suitably addressed.

As with most things there are two sides, and often we make our decisions based on only one side. We make our judgements on what we can see or hear, or how we feel, and in all these occasions we are affecting those  roundabout with our words and our example.

Do they see  the OUTSIDE or the  INSIDE, if the inside and the outside do not match then we may well be accused of “DIVIDED LOYALTIES” or, using the appropriate term ”HYPOCRISY”.

The political adage attributed to Abraham Lincoln is still in vogue, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, you can fool some people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”

2 Timothy 3:13                                  But wicked men and imposters will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and leading astray others and being deceived and led astray themselves.





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