Psalm 111:10                                     The REVERENT FEAR and worship of the Lord is the BEGINNING OF WISDOM and skill [the preceding and the first essential, the prerequisite and the alphabet]; a good understanding, wisdom, and meaning have all those who do [the will of the Lord]. Their praise of Him endures forever.

The “FEAR here referred to is, “Reverential affection, constant conscientious care to keep His commandments, Holy awe”.


We face a problem today in the reticence of men to embrace God’s Word in its purity. Men have a veil over their eyes, exudent in their ears, and lethargy on their tongues. And all of this stems from the heart condition, for “As a man thinks in his heart so is he”. (Proverbs 23:7)

It is reassuring that WISDOM is not an unattainable goal, and the mystery of such a valuable gift is so very poorly understood generally. But this is probably due to the fact that we do not as yet embrace or comprehend the intent and content of “REVERENT FEAR or HOLY AWE”.

The beginning of wisdom is not found in keen insight, nor wide experience, nor the learning of the schools, but IN THE TEMPER OF REVERENCE AND AWE, but without this deep and profound acknowledgement of God’s “Inconceivable Greatness”, there is a featureless landscape of ignorance. We cannot proceed to the extraordinary advantages of the “Wisdom from Above” until we have evidence of “HOLY AWE”.

It has recognisable characteristics that become obvious in the several descriptions that embrace the whole gamut of human behaviour. You may wonder why I find Reverent and Worshipful Fear so fascinating, so elusive, so desirable, so needful, and David and Solomon were helpful in this respect. Just look at this list: –


Is the beginning of Wisdom                     Psalm 111:10

Is the beginning of understanding        Proverbs 1:7

Is clean                                                             Psalm 19:9

Confers riches, honour, life                            Proverbs 22:4

Cannot be visited with evil                             Proverbs 19:23

Is the means to depart from evil                    Proverbs 16:6

Is the source of instruction in Wisdom        Proverbs 15:33

Is a fountain of life                                            Proverbs 14:27

Is the source of strong confidence                 Proverbs 14:26

Prolongs days                                                     Proverbs10:27

Is the basis for service                                      Psalm 2:11

Includes the hatred of evil; pride,                 Proverbs 8:13

arrogance, the evil way, and

perverted and twisted speech

Is the beginning of Wisdom and skill,        Proverbs 1:7

the preceding and the first essential,

the prerequisite and the alphabet

Is Wisdom                                                           Job 28:28


Solomon wrote Proverbs with the aim of educating folk, not into the sciences and philosophies of the academic and the theoretical or philosophical, but into perfect recognition of God’s sovereignty, because it is only through Him that we can truly evidence “THE WISDOM FROM ABOVE”.

Whilst the resources of academic institutions are useful in encouraging us in the pursuit of knowledge, it is only in true spiritual understanding that we obtain “WISDOM”, “Wisdom is with God alone”. (Job 28:23)

SCIENCE IS NO MATCH FOR REVELATION, and Job 28:1-11 goes to great lengths to describe how a man expends himself in pursuit of valuable commodities which are concealed in the soil, and details the means and methods of collection and refinement from way back in antiquity but these skills are only aligned with tangible things not with the commendable things.

These so-called “precious commodities” are OBTAINED by the expenditure of enormous effort, they are MAINTAINED with great difficulty so as not to be marauded, and GENERATE heightened emotions of either pleasure when owned, or grief when stolen.

If we now take the characteristics from the list above and compared them with characteristics evidenced in Psalm 19 it begins to give us a pattern or blueprint or road map, because the results have similar nomenclatures, e.g., “law, testimony, precepts”, and parcelled in among these descriptions is another, “THE REVERENT FEAR OF THE LORD”, each description referring to the Word of God in its fullness.

The law of the Lord is perfect                                                                   Psalm 19:7

The testimony of the Lord is sure                                                            verse 7

The precepts of the Lord are right                                                           verse 8

The commandment of the Lord is pure and bright                              verse 8

The [reverent] fear of the Lord is clean                                                 verse 9

The ordinances of the Lord are true                                                        verse 9

It is only through the inculcation and acceptance of the absolute truth of God’s Word that any man can begin to embrace the demands expressed in these comparative lists, and develop that disposition and ethos of God. This cannot be achieved simply by academic pursuit, but only by total obedience.  And so, I am led to conclude that because the “Reverent and Worshipful Fear” is included in the Psalmist’s compendium of the qualities inherent in the Bible in Psalm 19, that it also is in fact and in form, GOD’S WORD in its entirety.

“That I may know Him” is to “fear Him”, because when we are made aware of God’s Inconceivable Greatness, firstly by His revealed Word, and then by our experience, (aka “circumstances) which is the result of actually applying the principles and patterns established in our study of the Word, then we are embarking on the road to TRUE SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING. We must come to the awareness that there is not one thing in our day that is outside His control, either for our discipline or for our benefit, and to see God at work in it all.

Where Psalm 111:10 said “The fear of the Lord”, the word for fear is “Sekel”, and it is more than just that holy awe, it contains elements that are not so obvious on first glance. By reading further in this verse we see that out of this wisdom is the convergence of a whole spectrum of new insight. For the word in the original is as follows”-

“UNDERSTANDING”          H7922             From H7919; intelligence; by implication success: – discretion, knowledge, policy, prudence, sense, UNDERSTANDING, wisdom, wise.

Back in antiquity, Ezra the priest with thirteen helpers, read from the book of the Law for some 6 hours at a time it seems, and all this time the Israeli people stood. But then the record in verse 8 is of great consequence,

Nehemiah 8:8                                    So they read from the Book of the Law of God distinctly, FAITHFULLY AMPLIFYING AND GIVING THE SENSE so that [the people] understood the reading.

Here we have fourteen men charged with educating the children of Israel in the minutiae of the reading that took place all morning, but then next day there was further enlightenment required, for the fathers of the household. Are we prepared to expose ourselves to such concentrated immersion in the Word, or does it seem a bit over the top?

Nehemiah 8:13                                 On the second day, all the heads of fathers’ houses, with the priests and Levites, gathered to Ezra the scribe TO STUDY AND UNDERSTAND THE WORDS OF DIVINE INSTRUCTION.

One of the identifying characteristics of the man who wants to acquire “WISDOM” of God is that “he departs from evil”, but it is more than this, and Job was well qualified to explain the matter. There is a progression specified by Job, the first step is “The reverential and worshipful fear; this then enables acquisition of “WISDOM”, but to attain to the intentions of God for His people, there has to be the “DEPARTURE FROM EVIL”, so that we can understand.

Job 28:28                                             But to man He said, Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord–that is Wisdom; and TO DEPART  FROM EVIL IS UNDERSTANDING.

If that sounds simplistic then we have not grasped the gravity of the progression, for to “depart from evil” includes all the injunctions and instructions and lessons and corrections and advice, contained throughout the whole of God’s Word. And in case you would object to being subject to God’s LAW, let us refresh our memories from a New Testament perspective.

James 2:10                                          For whosoever keeps the Law [as a] whole but stumbles and OFFENDS IN ONE [SINGLE INSTANCE] HAS BECOME GUILTY OF [BREAKING] ALL OF IT.

James 4:17                                          So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.

In hindsight, it is no wonder the church lacks the evidence of the majesty of the God they profess, because the conditions are either ignored, overlooked, or blatantly disregarded. These frequent lapses are dismissed as just frailties of the flesh and are never addressed in the sense of our offence to the Lord, because we have no fear.

Most fear that people harbour is the fear of retribution, when it is much deeper than this. It is that moment by moment recognition that Father has His eye on us, as well as on the sparrow, and He has not one trace of dementia, or forgetfulness, except for the sins we have confessed and repented of.

We can want to be wise and have understanding, but DESIRE is one thing, and OBEDIENCE another, and it is the exigencies of life (aka “circumstances”) that tend to both provide and provoke our path.  But DESIRE when actioned initiates the path to ILLUMINATION.

David’s route was an Old Testament route, and so he was at a distinct disadvantage to us with such bountiful New Testament provision, where James in chapter 3:17 gives us the characteristics, but David in Psalm 111:10 spells out the route.

James 3:17 (THE CHARACTERISTICS) BUT THE WISDOM FROM ABOVE IS FIRST OF ALL pure (undefiled); then it is peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle). [It is willing to] yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits; it is wholehearted and straightforward, impartial and unfeigned (free from doubts, wavering, and insincerity).

Psalm 111:10  (THE ROUTE)             The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and skill [the preceding and the first essential, the prerequisite and the alphabet]; a good understanding, wisdom, and meaning have all those who do [the will of the Lord]. (or in simple terms, those who are obedient because they recognise Gods sovereignty   …   comments mine) Their praise of Him endures forever (or their recognition of Him   …   comments mine).

Notice, that for us to claim any “Wisdom from Above” there is a compendium of characteristics quite foreign to many folk, because we firstly have not sought this wisdom, and secondly, we are ill prepared to demonstrate this wisdom, and thirdly, we will never get there if we don’t acknowledge that the only vehicle for us to reach that sublime state, is the commitment and dedication to “REVERENT AND WORSHIPFUL FEAR” (Psalm 111:10)

Every Christian has an expectation of attaining to heaven, but sadly much of this expectation is misplaced, there is no evidence of those patterns that both enable and qualify us for attaining that goal.

Hebrews 12:28                                  Let us therefore, receiving a kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken, (this is the “EXPECTATION”   …  comments mine) OFFER TO GOD (1) pleasing service and (2) acceptable worship, with (3) modesty and (4) pious care and (5) godly fear and awe; (these are the conditions   …   comments mine)

How many of the five requirements have we met, for (1) “pleasing service” is not just “lip service”, (2) “acceptable worship” is not some upbeat song service with flashing lights, (3) “modesty” requires more than a particular dress code, (4) “piety is not a long face of Pharisaic legalism, but (5) “Godly fear and awe” is the untrammelled acceptance and recognition of the Sovereignty of God no matter what is taking place. So I must ask myself, how do I score???

Isaiah 29:13                                        And the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips but remove their hearts and minds far from Me, and THEIR FEAR AND REVERENCE FOR ME ARE A COMMANDMENT OF MEN THAT IS LEARNED BY REPETITION [WITHOUT ANY THOUGHT AS TO THE MEANING]

1 Corinthians 8:3                              But if one loves God truly, with AFFECTIONATE REVERENCE, PROMPT OBEDIENCE, AND  GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF HIS BLESSING], he is known by God [recognized as worthy of His intimacy and love, and he is owned by Him].

It was stated recently that we have an ambition to be the apple of Father’s eye, and also that our children might similarly qualify, well the conditions are there for us to realise this ambition.

Psalm 103:17                                     But the mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord are from everlasting to everlasting upon those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, and His righteousness IS TO CHILDREN’S CHILDREN

 There are so many benefits that accrue when we are alert to the responsibilities of giving the Lord the required space in our lives, that means the whole space, for we are “not our own, but purchased” and so if we are cognisant of this fact then see what follows according to Solomon.

Proverbs 10:27 (A)                           The REVERENT AND WORSHIPFUL FEAR of the Lord prolongs one’s days  (The Living Bible says “Reverence for the Lord adds hours to you day”)

UNDERSTANDING and KNOWLEDGE” are the outcome of Reverent and Worshipful fear. There is so much in the Word describing this route, but we need to simplify it for the purpose of application, not just information.

Proverbs 2 tells me that I can have this virtue if I follow the directions, so the first 4 verses set the direction, and then verse 5 confirms the promise.

Proverbs 2:1-4                                   MY SON, IF  (This is the first part of the Apodosis, the lead up to the “THEN” in verse 5   …   comments mineyou will receive my words and treasure up my commandments within you, Making your ear attentive to skillful and godly Wisdom and inclining and directing your heart and mind to understanding [applying all your powers to the quest for it]; Yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, If you seek [Wisdom] as for silver and search for skillful and godly Wisdom as for hidden treasures,

Having grasped the conditions, we now can appreciate and appropriate the promise.

Proverbs 2:5                                       THEN (Here is the Apodosis coming into play again, there is a condition before the “THEN” called “IF”,  and a result after the “THEN”   …   comments mine) YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE REVERENT AND WORSHIPFUL FEAR OF THE LORD AND FIND THE KNOWLEDGE OF [OUR OMNISCIENT] GOD.

Now with the “add-on” of verse 5 we suddenly have all the instruction necessary. You will recall right early in this study I made mention that the “Law, testimony, precepts, commandments and worshipful fear”, were one and the same thing, THE WHOLE OF GOD’S WORD.


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