ACQUAINTANCE & UNDERSTANDING                                               ROSS SMITH


Isaiah 49:23                                        And kings shall be your foster fathers and guardians, and their queens your nursing mothers. They shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth and lick up the dust of your feet; AND YOU SHALL KNOW [with an ACQUAINTANCE AND UNDERSTANDING based on and grounded in PERSONAL EXPERIENCE] that I am the Lord; for THEY SHALL NOT BE PUT TO SHAME who WAIT for, LOOK for, HOPE for, and EXPECT Me.

We generally assume this portion of scripture is speaking to the Jewish nation, but on closer inspection, we can identify that it is also addressed to the church of today. In this chapter the Messiah is introduced, declaring the full extent of his commission, which is not only to be Saviour to the Jews, but also to the Gentiles, or the church of today.

The prophet understood the name “Israel”, to be ancient Israel, or also as the Christian Church. This is a prophecy concerning Christ and redemption by Him; and of the enlargement of the church in the latter day, by the miraculous intervention and conversion of Jews and the Gentile nations in the present dispensation.

We watch with great anticipation the activity surrounding Israel these days, as we see scripture being actually fulfilled before our eyes. And the agitations of Syria and North Korea creating tensions between major nations is just hastening the day.

But rather than engage in conjecture, as some would, in this case, we can extract the essence of the verse and apply it to our current generation and the present church. The promises of the early part of the verse are God’s responsibility, the latter part of the verse is our responsibility, the “AND YOU”.

The first and very consequential statement is “AND YOU SHALL KNOW”. This requires that we make ourselves aware, in depth, and in truth, the subject nature and the Sovereignty of God. Mere academic understanding is inadequate for when the Word says “You shall KNOW” there is a deeper and more profound understanding than can be simply apprehended by the mind. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14)

Romans 11:33                                   Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unfathomable (inscrutable,   unsearchable) are His judgments (His decisions)! And how untraceable (mysterious, undiscoverable) are His ways (His methods, His paths)!

The Strong’s translation of the Hebrew (H3045) is far too long to include in its entirety, but just for some clarity let us extract some of the intentions of “KNOW”.

KNOW  H3045                    A primitive root; to KNOW (properly to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety of senses, figuratively, literally, euphemistically and inferentially (including observation, care, recognition; and causatively instruction, designation, punishment, etc.): – acknowledge, be aware.

So, we see it is not just knowing “ABOUT” but comprehending in an extensive and profound manner, that will ultimately enable us to be authoritative about matters that have been our sphere of study and application and appreciation. Not just as a hobby, or an exercise in theological debate, but a life transformed by REALLY KNOWING the God we serve.

It cannot be too hard, for we read in Psalm 46:10 how to achieve this “KNOWING”, but the cost in some cases seems to be too high for what a person either imagines or understands of the benefits, and they have also deferred to their own priority rather than the ultimate prize of “KNOWING GOD

Psalm 46:10                                        Let be and BE STILL, AND KNOW (RECOGNIZE AND UNDERSTAND) THAT I AM GOD. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth!

This “Knowing” will introduce an awareness of God’s INCONCEIVABLE GREATNESS, which, when even superficially grasped, will propel us into that pursuit of the heavenly goal proposed right throughout scripture.

Secondly, this verse suggests a dimension that few have contemplated, let alone pursued, and is only able to be attained by the exclusion of all interfering factors that would isolate us from the presence of God. Isaiah goes on to say, WITH AN ACQUAINTANCE AND UNDERSTANDINGMuch of the church has neither!

This is a twofold obligation, firstly as an “ACQUAINTANCE”, not a casual acquaintance as the term suggests in current terminology, but as a relationship born out of the previous “KNOW”, for it is when we know someone intimately, where we have become fully “ACQUAINTED” with the nature and character of that person and have accepted and adopted the “ethos” that formats the person’s behaviour and character, that we can begin to say we “KNOW” them and are “ACQUAINTED” with their life.

We sometimes in conversation mention a name and the other party says “Yes, I know him”, when in fact they only know them either by name, reputation, or sight, but know nothing personal of the individual, and so it is merely an awareness.

The second obligation is equally as valuable, that of “UNDERSTANDING”. We must have an understanding of the intents and purposes of God, and this will condition and control our every activity. No longer will we see circumstance as an imposition or interference or coincidence, but will “UNDERSTAND” that whatever takes place, God is in control. Should you find this proposition confronting then I would respectfully suggest that you have to go back a stage and “KNOW” the God professed by so many but “KNOWN” by so few. Both Old and New Testaments reinforce this.

(SEE ROMANS 11:33)

Psalm 8:6-9                                         You made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; YOU HAVE PUT ALL THINGS (every circumstance  ..  comments mine) UNDER HIS FEET: All sheep and oxen, yes, and the beasts of the field, The birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatever passes along the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, how excellent (majestic and glorious) is Your name in all the earth!  (The Psalmist had more than a mere “acquaintance with the Lord  ..  comments mine)

Ephesians 1:22                                  And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church]

There is only one way open to us to reach this sublime state, many alternative routes are prescribed by the denominations, false teachers abound and will get worse, many will be detoured by the glitz of modern church programs, but the Word says that it is “BASED ON AND GROUNDED IN  PERSONAL EXPERIENCE”.

 Often, we are controlled by our circumstances, but God’s intention is that we RULE IN OUR CIRCUMSTANCES.”

The Prophet Isaiah was meticulous in setting the parameters, he has already specified that we have to “KNOW, HAVE ACQUAINTANCE AND HAVE UNDERSTANDING”. But nowhere does he recommend a particular Bible College, theological institution, reading plan, denomination, Bible translation or any other man manipulated process, he says quite plainly, “BASED ON AND GROUNDED IN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE”.

EXPERIENCE” is, in fact, the things we are going through and intended for us to learn lessons. Even the gift of God’s wisdom comes by experience according to Proverbs 5:1 “Wisdom learned by actual and costly experience

This is another double whammy, we can have a good basis, that is, we can have correct doctrinal perceptions and approve the Word of God as our moral code, but the real “BASED ON” is more. It is necessary to cite several scriptures so that we are not ignorant of the “FOUNDATION” or the BASE for our unwavering hope.

Luke 6:48                                             He is like a man building a house, who dug and went down deep and laid a foundation UPON THE ROCK; and when a flood arose, the torrent broke against that house and could not shake or move it, because it had been SECURELY BUILT OR FOUNDED ON A ROCK.

Colossians 2:7                                    Have the roots [of your being] firmly and deeply planted [in Him, fixed and FOUNDED in Him], being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding and overflowing in it with thanksgiving.

Jude 1:20                                             But you, beloved, build yourselves up FOUNDED on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;

BASED ON” is followed by another adjective, “GROUNDED”, which means “unwavering” and the most “wavering” aspect of our nature is in our moods, our propensity to be angry, to be resentful, to be jealous, to be proud, to have preferences, to be partial, to engage in “silent debate” just to state a list for you to extend, but more importantly, to deal with.

In electrical terms, to be “GROUNDED” means to protect against circulating, unbalanced currents, both small and large, to prevent electrical shock, and in spiritual terms, it is these same circulating or “undercurrents” that destroy the unity of the Body of Christ, and the Apostle Paul was scathing in his address.

1Corinthians 11:18                          For in the first place, when you assemble as a congregation, I hear that there are cliques (divisions and factions) among you;

Then comes the exciting part, Isaiah specifies that we should be “GROUNDED IN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE”. There are no more potent lessons than those learned by experience. A great example of this was where one of Jesus’ Disciples, had some apprehension as to what he was hearing about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and so needed to be convinced.

John 20:27                                          Then He (Jesus) said to THOMAS, Reach out your finger here, and see My hands; and put out your hand and place [it] in My side. Do not be faithless and incredulous, but [stop your unbelief and] believe!

Can you imagine Thomas ever doubting Jesus again, his lesson was one of “EXPERIENCE”? The other Disciples could have explained the situation over and over again, to no avail, if they had access to a camera in those days and taken a photo for Thomas, there is still no guarantee that he would have accepted their testimony. But having had a “HANDS ON EXPERIENCE” the lesson was indelibly etched on his heart, mind and spirit forever. WE NEED TO SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE AND STOP HIDING BEHIND THEOLOGY.

Not for one moment am I suggesting that we need signs and wonders in this day and age to be convinced of the sovereignty of God, those things will follow after we have managed to adopt and comply with the exhortations of Isaiah. (See Mark 16:17)

If we think that we have applied the principles that Isaiah 49:23 has espoused thus far, then we need to stop for a moment and grasp the rest of the instruction as it contains some very pertinent aspects, and serves to prove or refute our testimony

Here then are the truths that evidence a complete faith in the promise and ability of our God. If we do not have these following attributes, then there is a void in our relationship or our acquaintance is questionable, our “grounding” is insecure, our experience is superficial, so we have to refresh those aspects so that the following become the normal of each and every day.


Just one of these characteristics is not enough, they are all interdependent, but Isaiah has shown the integration in the following verse, but with added virtues.

Isaiah 40:31           But those who: –

  • WAIT  for the Lord [who       
  • LOOK for, and
  • HOPE in Him] (with the result   ..  comments mine)


The first element, the waiting part,  is not easy, we live in an “Instant” society, it started off with instant coffee, and has rapidly advanced until now we expect everything to be on tap, every day, and at the moment we need it. The advent of the internet ensured that we never have to wait for an answer, sms and email have eliminated the necessity to use pen and paper and the interminable wait for the postman.

Romans 8:25                                      But if we HOPE for what is still unseen by us, we WAIT for it with patience and composure.

We can WAIT in a manner which is PATIENT AND COMPOSED, or we can wait IMPATIENTLY, looking at our watch, changing feet, scowling because our time frame doesn’t fit with Father’s time frame. But no matter what deportment we adopt, Father’s calendar and diary are fully up to date, and so we need to understand that the “PATIENT WAITING” ability is a hallmark of those who have implicit trust in their God.

Impatience is a sin that has its ill effects within us, and that is, contemplating the wrong things. If we would control our passions, we have to abandon “WORTHLESS THOUGHTS.

But we also have to engage in the second element, the deep conviction that compels us to “EXPECT”. The world has a yardstick that says, “NO EXPECTATIONS THEN NO DISAPPOINTMENTS”. But for those who would qualify,” EXPECTATION” is one elective we have to undertake and qualify.

Recall how I said that these qualities are INTERDEPENDENT, well Jude goes on to show us just how they rely on one another.

Jude 1:21                                             Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God; EXPECT AND PATIENTLY WAIT for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)–[which will bring you] unto life eternal.

To “EXPECT” is to regard something as probable or likely, to look forward to the probable occurrence of and consider reasonable or due. We can engage in “Expectation” in things that relate to our God, but in the carnal dimension we should only have “expectancy”. To “Expect” suggests we have either a value or quality we want to see, and it may be misplaced or ill-conceived. “Expectancy” leaves the opportunity wide open to things we may never have imagined.

To have an expectation there has to be an objective, there has to be something to aim for or believe is imminent, and again the Psalmist sets the objective clearly in view.

Psalm 39:7                                          And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? MY HOPE AND EXPECTATION ARE IN YOU.

When the Word then says, “LOOK”, it is not just to see something interesting that is happening, not just to admire some vista, or to attract attention to a point I want to make. “LOOKING” in this instance is closely associated with the “EXPECTING” because in this case we are adjured to “LOOK FOR HIM”.

This is only possible if we have a description of the person sought. The police when they are pursuing a suspect have not only his name and address, they know what he looks like, both in character and in description, his hair colour, his height and weight, any special marks, anything that will confirm they have the right man.

How well do we know our God, the Bible gives us one huge clue, and invites us to take on the same description and character traits? “GOD IS LOVE”, and for a better understanding of this characteristic see I Corinthians 13.

1 John 4:16                                         And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by OBSERVATION and by EXPERIENCE) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. GOD IS LOVE, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him.

Notice how the character of God is to be replicated in those who “KNOW, UNDERSTAND, RECOGNISE, ARE CONSCIOUS OF, OBSERVE AND EXPERIENCE”, summing up most precisely how important it is to know who we are ”LOOKING FOR”.

Not some superficial grasp or mental picture, but a reality that is born out of our intimate knowledge, our keeping watch, our experience, our penetrating analysis of His nature recorded throughout scripture, THEN WE WILL KNOW WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR.

Our concepts of the last element, that of “HOPE”, are just that, for many people, they are not sure of what it is they are looking for or expecting, they just hope they have got it right, and hope they are going to make it to heaven. This sort of “hope” is not really hope, it is a clone of “doubt”.  Doubt of this sort is in fact “double-mindedness” which creates instability in all areas.

James 1:8                                            [For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating, dubious, irresolute), [HE IS] UNSTABLE AND UNRELIABLE AND UNCERTAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING [HE THINKS, FEELS, DECIDES].

HOPE” is described as “someone (or something) on which expectations are centred”. So, the interdependency of “HOPE” and “EXPECTATION” is reinforced.  “HOPE” is not some ethereal, theoretical or obscure characteristic, it is beautifully described in elegant variegation in Hebrews, and we can determine from this description if we truly have “TRUE HOPE”.

Hebrews 6:19                                    [Now] we have this [HOPE] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it–a hope] that reaches farther and enters into [the very certainty of the Presence] within the veil,

How reliable and dependable is this HOPE, it anchors our destiny in the One Who purchased us with a remarkable price, there is no chance of it letting anyone down who practices Godly HOPE. It is all-pervading, extending not only across the times and circumstance we face but reaching into the Holy of Holies of our generation, His very presence.

Why then is there such ambivalence within the body of Christ as to the dependability of our God for every aspect of our lives, He just asks that we rely on the promises of Isaiah 49:23, and if we do,


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