ATTITUDE, APTITUDE, ABILITY                                                               ROSS SMITH


ATTITUDE     This is when someone has a particular way of thinking or feeling about something (feelings or beliefs) and makes a settled way of thinking or feeling about the matter, they can be positive or negative, but always is the “heart”.


APTITUDE     A natural ability to do something, tendency, talent, in this case, God-given.  “APTITUDE” is POTENTIAL.

2 Timothy 2:2                                     And the [instructions] which you have heard from me along with many witnesses, transmit and entrust [as a deposit] to reliable and faithful men who will be COMPETENT AND QUALIFIED to teach others also.

Paul’s instruction to Timothy was unequivocally to recruit a man with “APTITUDE” and “ATTITUDE” simply because both are required to be COMPETENT and QUALIFIED.

Text sign showing What Are You Best At Question. Conceptual photo Individual creativity is a unique capability Wooden background ideas messages intentions reflections communicate inform.


ABILITY                                   This is skill, capability, capacity, ability or skill to do something. You can gain or cultivate the ability to do things.

Daniel 1:20                                         And in all matters of wisdom and understanding concerning which the king asked them, he found them ten times better than all the [learned] magicians and enchanters who were in his whole realm.



If you have the right attitude but lack the required aptitude, success can be difficult. Attitude either propels you or inhibits you to develop aptitude, and with the right attitude you can then grow in ability, and the choice remains our singular option. Many will plead that it is not possible to change their attitude, it is just their nature. Paul in writing to the Romans chose to differ for he said in Romans 12:2;

“but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [BY ITS NEW IDEALS AND ITS NEW ATTITUDE],


Is comprised of ambition, determination, commitment, and is grounded in temperament, (strong personality), emotional intelligence, (self-control), motivation. (love) I like one word better in this description and that is the word, “MOTIVATION”.

We can be motivated by love (1 Thessalonians 1:3), or like Moses we can be motivated by faith (Hebrews 11:27) or as the apostle Paul stated both he and Peter were motivated by God himself.  (Galatians 2:8)

With the 700 left-handed slingers, (Judges 20:16) they had the motivation to succeed in their skill despite being left-handed, so they also had the right temperament and emotional intelligence, but o doubt continued to work on their “ABILITY”.

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When I was an electrical apprentice, I lacked the right attitude, I hated the job, even though my love for my dad developed some aptitude and contributed to adjusting my attitude.   But when I was appointed to ministry, I had the right attitude, my heart was in it, but without any aptitude whatsoever. but Father continues to try and develop some aptitude and hopefully one day, some ability!!!!

“THE WISDOM FROM ABOVE”, freely available to those who ask, (James 1:5) does not indicate skill level, or aptitude or ability, but forms the platform for Father to launch his “gifts and callings”. A quick revision of the appointment of Bezalel in Exodus 36:1 clearly defines that Father can indeed provide us with “APTITUDE” and “ABILITY” if our “ATTITUDE” is aligned with His Word and His purpose,

Romans 11:29                                    For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives his grace or to whom He sends his call.

So, having given His gifts, and making His call, Father sets about refining and moulding the servant He has chosen to both carry out His will and to glorify His name. Interestingly, it is not just for a one-off task, but His process continues because “He never withdraws them once they are given” which means that while ever our “ATTITUDE” is proper then there is a continuing development of our “APTITUDE and ABILITY”.

See Romans 12:6(a)                         “Having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ”,

1 Corinthians 12:6                            And there are distinctive varieties of operation [of working to accomplish things

 1 Corinthians 12:11                        “all these [gifts, achievements, abilities] are inspired and brought to pass by one and the same [holy] spirit,”

Proverbs 17:16                                  Of what use is money in the hand of a [self-confident] fool to buy skilful and godly wisdom–when he has no understanding or heart for it?

“No heart for it” really means that the ATTITUDE is absent and so no matter what resources of a tangible form or nature we have there is no replacement for “ATTITUDE”.


Pauls 2nd letter to the Corinthians identifies the “POTENTIAL” or the “APTITUDE” in everyone who would own Jesus Christ as Lord. It is often difficult for us to appreciate the “POTENTIAL” latent within because we are so welded and wedded to the intellectual concepts proposed by the academic world. Access to some educational courses requires proof of “previous learning” which in fact is saying, “does this student have “APTITUDE”?

2 Corinthians 4:7                              however, WE POSSESS this precious treasure [the divine light of the gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown TO BE FROM GOD AND NOT FROM OURSELVES.

Proverbs 17:16                                  Of what use is money in the hand of a [self-confident] fool to buy skilful and godly wisdom–when he has no understanding or heart for it?

WISDOM” and “HEART” both identify “ATTITUDE”. If there is no heart, there will be no wisdom. Wisdom of heart = attitude and Exodus 36:2 = motivation.

Exodus 36:2                                        And Moses called Bezalel and Aholiab and every able and wise-hearted man in whose mind the Lord had put wisdom and ability, everyone WHOSE HEART (or “attitude” in the terns we are using) STIRRED HIM UP TO COME TO DO THE WORK

Exodus 35:35                                     He has filled them with wisdom of heart and ability to do all manner of craftsmanship, of the engraver, of the skilful workman, of the embroiderer in blue, purple, and scarlet [stuff] and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of those who do or design any skilled work.

This God-given “APTITUDE” afforded Bezalel and his colleagues was of little value if they did not possess the motivation or “ATTITUDE” to put it into practice. It is the Lord Who gives the “wisdom and ability” but it is up to us to “stir up our heart to do the work”.

 Psalm 51:6                                         Behold, you desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost HEART.

Psalm 90:12                                        So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a HEART of wisdom.

Proverbs 12:8                                    A man shall be commended according to his wisdom [godly wisdom, which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God], but he who is of a perverse heart shall be despised

This indicates that the heart attitude was the key to unlock the resources of heaven, given to men who are not recorded anywhere else as to their abilities or talents, it is totally Gods equipping.

An artisan is normally only qualified in one trade.  but in the case of Bezalel et al, they were more than ambidextrous, the dexterity was remarkable in the fact that; –

(a) stonemasons would have had hard hands,

(b) carpenters would also have had calloused hands,

(c) a seamstress would have soft hands,

(d) so would a potter to a degree,

(e) a chemist would need careful hands,

(f) a metal refiner would have coarse hands from the effects of the metals and the fumes of the smelting, so the list goes on to prove just how different these men were.


I am not sure that these men had been trained, but they surely had been gifted. It would take several lifetimes to be trained in the skills they were given, particularly in light of the degree of excellence that was demanded, expected and demonstrated.

PREPARATION IS PARAMOUNT” and nowhere is this more clearly evidenced as with Bezalel.  The progress of Bezalel was most extensive in the preparations he was required to make, timber had to be sourced, dried, dressed shaped, stored.  The gold and brass had to be mined or collected, accounted for, casts made for moulds, anvils for beating, ore mined for the copper and tin, furnaces built and operated (recall the process with the cupel and that was for small quantities). For the cloth, the fibre had to be sourced, refined, dyed, woven, sewn, embossed, embellished, stored. The anointing oil had to have herbs sourced or cultivated, plus the base materials, vessels to compound, accurate quantities, proper storage both for the longevity of the compound and the security of this sacred unguent.


How similar is “APTITUDE” to “ATTITUDE”, just the swapping of one little letter “P” and yet it carries great significance. Have you noticed that when you enjoy doing something that it comes easy, whereas if it is a chore, you have to battle it through? The difference to our “APTITUDE” is made by our “ATTITUDE”.

The definition of “APTITUDE” is “an individual’s propensity to succeed in a given activity. Aptitude assumes that individuals have inherent strengths and weaknesses and have a natural inclination toward success or failure in specific areas based on their innate characteristics.” (Investopedia)

Just as the Bible requires of us to change our attitude, to take on the attitude of Jesus Christ, and it is obviously possible because it involves not only “ATTITUDE”, but it also includes “PURPOSE”, or in other words the determination to achieve the result. So, there is also the potential to improve our “APTITUDE”, summed up in the saying “Practice makes Perfect”.

Philippians 2:5                                   Let this same ATTITUDE AND PURPOSE and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]

Revelation 3:19 states, “changing your mind and attitude”, or as I like to translate attitude to mean “heart”. You have heard it said, “he has had a change of heart”, generally, but not always assuming improvement. If we are amenable Father will give us a “new heart” a new attitude and that then will dispose us to a greater propensity for spiritual things or greater “APTITUDE”.







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