RESPONDING TO RESPONSIBILITY                                                             ROSS SMITH


 Here is a question that I think most of us can answer “yes” to:  “Do you have any responsibilities”? Whether we like it or not, we all have responsibilities and they may fall into several different categories, such as chosen, incurred, inherited, adopted, imposed, delegated, resented, and we may all carry more than one category of “responsibility” as uncomfortable as that may seem.


There is also “ADDED RESPONSIBILITY” and “GOD-GIVEN RESPONSIBILITY”. If all this seems to be a bit much then we have to revert to Scripture, for our consolation, and there are two Scriptures in particular that are of great comfort when, where, under pressure.

Philippians  4:13                               I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].

Luke   12:48                                        But he who did not know (did not have much responsibility) and did things worthy of a beating shall be beaten with few [lashes]. For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required; and of him to whom men entrust much, they will require and demand all the more.

This same principle applies in the workplace – the better you are at the job, the more responsibility you are given – the more responsibility, commands a greater effort – MUCH IS REQUIRED

Sometimes our responsibilities are as a result of the career path we choose, but as we progress, and we are elevated in station, the consequence is added responsibility. For others, it may be that they have a child who is unwell and requires constant attention, still, others who through no fault of their own have been lumped with responsibilities that were created or incurred by someone else but now fall to them to implement.

Whatever the responsibilities we carry none of them are by chance, it is no accident that we are accountable, and RESPONSIBLE  because the Bible says:

Proverbs 16:33                                  The lot is cast into the lap, but the decision is wholly of the Lord [even the events that seem accidental are really ordered by Him].

You may think you have a lot of responsibility but lack the talent or gift to accompany that degree of responsibility  – sometimes the Lord just makes you a nice person and your responsibility is to dispense and inculcate and encourage that characteristic in others.


Maybe you have a responsibility in prayer, or hospitality, or in visitation. Whatever the task we have been given to do we have to RESPOND TO RESPONSIBILITY and discharge that task in its entirety, to complete what we began.

Joshua 11:15                                      As the Lord had commanded Moses His servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did; he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses.

Galatians 6:9                                      And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

Now the best part of all this is the reassurance that if we are honouring the Lord as our sovereign, then everything we have to handle is exactly as He has planned it.



I love some of the Old Testament examples because these men and women never shirked their responsibilities. You will recall the example of Caleb, addressing Joshua when Caleb was 85 years old. And he says in Joshua 14 “give me my mountain”.

So that we grasp the significance of this subject we need to understand the significance of the terms involved, so let me digress for a short time to put the terms into perspective.

I am constantly conscious of Isaiah 58 and the “IFs” that are so prominent. Sometimes I am able to succeed, at other times I fail the same “IF” and so my progress is stalled momentarily until I realise that I have not fully embraced my responsibilities.


Most folks want AUTHORITY without RESPONSIBILITY, but with RESPONSIBILITY comes the necessity for RELIABILITY.

 RELIABILITY is used to describe the overall consistency of a measure but does not necessarily describe VALIDITY.

We can, for a time, be RELIABLE without being VALID but with RELIABILITY comes the demand for VALIDITY –

Reliability refers to the confidence we can place on the measuring instrument to give us the same numeric value when the measurement is repeated on the same object. Validity, on the other hand, means that our measuring instrument actually and accurately measures the property it is supposed to measure (EXAMPLES Blood pressure monitor versus blood glucose monitor)

Reliability is a more accurate way of describing PRECISION, while validity is a more precise way of describing ACCURACY, and we are enjoined to exhibit both.

Genesis  6:22                                     Noah did all of this, PRECISELY as God had commanded. (ISV) Just like Joshua

Genesis 44:2                                      Then (Joseph said) place my cup—the silver one—in the top of the sack belonging to the youngest one, along with the money he brought to buy grain.” So, the manager DID PRECISELY what Joseph told him to do.  (ISV)

Acts 18:25-26                                    He (Apollos) had been instructed in the Lord’s way, and with spiritual fervour, he kept speaking and teaching ACCURATELY  (or validly) about Jesus, although he knew only about John’s baptism. He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him home and explained Go’s way to him more accurately (more validly)


But first, let us consider the derivation of the words RESPONSIBILITY AND RELIABILITY. The latter suggests that our LIABILITY is to be repeated, the prefix “RE” is used in to propose “repeatability” such as Recur, Rerun, Restore, Replace, Repeat, React, etc etc. In every case, the prefix suggests that the task is to be carried out again. So by extrapolation, “RE” – “LIABILITY” means that we have to be LIABLE on a repetitive basis

When one is liable for a debt, they are responsible for paying the debt or settling a wrongful act they may have committed. If the debt is recurrent then we have to be re – liable….. that is, regularly pay the debt as often as it recurs. If we have been afforded RESPONSIBILITY then we are liable to be “reliable”.

2 Corinthians 1:13                            For we write you nothing else but SIMPLY what you can read and understand [there is no double meaning to what we say], (this is precision …. Comments mine) and I hope that you will become thoroughly acquainted [with divine things] and know and understand [them] ACCURATELY  (this is Validity …. Comments mine) and well to the end, (this is responsibility…. Comments mine)

While RELIABILITY does not imply VALIDITY, a lack of reliability does place a limit on overall validity.

 RELIABILITY is the “ability” (notice the repetition involved by the use of “re” …. Comments mineof a person or system to perform and MAINTAIN its functions in routine circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances.  This is an easy test for me to apply when ISAIAH 58 comes up in neon lights before my mind

We can expect to encounter both “hostile” and “ unexpected” circumstances, that is why we need to be prepared, having engaged in regular “meditation and preparation of our heart or attitude.

We can RELIABLY give a report but the report may not necessarily be VALID

We evaluate people and groups as responsible or not, depending on how seriously they take their responsibilities. Often we do this informally, via moral judgment. Sometimes we do this formally, for instance in legal judgment, because there is no one who is without responsibility, but there are many who are irresponsible – those who cannot be trusted.

Would you entrust your children, or your home, or your bank account to anyone who is slack in their performance? My wife and I have given Power of Attorney to our two children, which includes the decision to turn off the life-support system if necessary. I can trust them with my life – they are responsible

Psalm 119:56                                     I have made it MY PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to keep your precepts. (ISV)

Our conscience and our awareness produce RELIABLE RESPONSIBILITY.RESPON RESPONSE 5

The translation of “PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY” or “kept” in Hebrew means to guard, watch, watch over all keep. The commentary puts it this way, “This is peculiarly mine, that I keep thy precepts [JFB]

Proverbs 1:24-33                              “BECAUSE I called out to you and you refused to respond—I appealed, but no one paid attention—because you neglected all my advice and did not want my correction, (this is a classic example of avoiding responsibility … comments mine)  I will laugh at your calamity. I will mock when what you fear comes, when what you dread comes like a storm, and your calamity comes on like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you.  “Then they will call out to me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently, but they will not find me. “BECAUSE they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD; they did not want my advice, and they rejected all my correction.   (these are all clones of “irresponsibility) They will eat the fruit of their way, and they will be filled with their own devices. Indeed, the waywardness of the naïve (read “irresponsible” ) will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them. “BUT the person who listens to me will live safely and will be secure from the fear of evil.” (he who behaves responsibly … comments mine)

What a precise description of the world today, the propensity to “eat drink and be merry” has superseded any real sense of living wisely. Unfortunately, this malaise has infected the church, it is too closely aligned with worldly pursuits and consequently, it is hard to determine if it is a church or a club.

Somewhere along the line, every INDIVIDUAL has to start taking responsibility for their behaviour, their wellbeing and their eternal destiny, instead of living off social security or spiritual sop. This is unpalatable to the majority as it involves and requires some, no, intensive constructive attention to the way we live, the way we spend, the way we vote, the way we approach the day of our departure, and corporately as spelt out in Isaiah 58  – the “IF’s”

Our civic leaders have not been a good example in this respect when we consider the degree of debt our nation faces, and the numbers are increasing without abatement. The moral behaviour of Parliamentarians leaves a lot to be desired and our sports stars continue to contribute to the decay brought about by their inability to accept RESPONSIBILITY.

But what about the church leaders, those who have followed after spurious doctrines, ignored Isaiah 58 and its myriad supporting Scriptures, and accept no responsibility for the outcomes experienced by their adherence.

As Christians, we have an even greater demand to evidence RESPONSIBILITY because we are involved not only in our own “nuclear family” but also in the greater “church family” and then even greater in the community at large.

Previous studies have shown how we have an enormous task to FEED MY SHEEP and that is why we must continue to develop the ability to study and produce “food” for those who find it difficult to feed themselves, TO ACT RESPONSIBLY (not necessarily as preachers … “They spoke often one to another (Malachi 3:16))

1 Peter 5:2                                          Tend (nurture, guard, guide, and fold) the flock of God that is [YOUR RESPONSIBILITY], not by coercion or constraint, but willingly; not dishonourably motivated by the advantages and profits [belonging to the office], but eagerly and cheerfully;


The demands of this verse are extensive, we are responsible not only as part of the “flock” but also to be a source of full provision, whether it be to feed, to look after, to steer and to accommodate. If this causes stress then we need to recommit to the calling Father has placed on us, this is why we are so concerned with studying the word, we realise we have a GREAT RESPONSIBILITY

The first step in ACCEPTING responsibility is RECOGNISING IT, and not avoiding it. We can live “in denial” declaring that we are not called to do this or that, and in some cases that is true, but each one has a specific part to play in the body of Christ and if that part is not accepting of their role then the body is incapacitated.

RESPONSIBILITY is not onerous, we can rest in our RESPONSIBILITY, but be proactive in our RESPONSE, that “HUNGER AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS” is an ongoing, desirable objective for God’s people, and results in the “BLESSINGS THAT MAKE RICH AND ADDS NO SORROW”

Proverbs 10:22                                  The blessing of the Lord–it makes [truly] rich, and He adds no sorrow with it [NEITHER DOES TOILING INCREASE IT]. ( we can rest in our responsibility …. Comments mine)

Matthew 6:33                                    But seek (AIM AT AND STRIVE AFTER) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.

Having met the requirements of the first part of the verse, and having demonstrated responsibility – Father will then validate us.

What are “all these things taken together”, how do they relate to my accepting responsibility? (see verses 31-32 .. don’t worry about eating, drinking, what to wear)

To-morrow need not trouble us. Trouble there must be in the world, but no one need have more than each day brings: “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Therefore be responsible for what is required of us today, we cannot be responsible for tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes.

I have gone a long way around to explain that the truths we know and realise each day are there to determine how we RESPOND TO RESPONSIBILITY because if we are not faithful in the little things then there is little chance that we will be entrusted with greater things. Those greater things are different for each person, but they are no less important, and we are no less RESPONSIBLE. Of greater consequence, however, is that other people’s lives and destiny may depend upon our RESPONSE TO RESPONSIBILITY

Psalm  27:4                                         One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple.


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