CONCENTRATE                                                                                                      ROSS SMITH


Does anyone have a problem with “CONCENTRATION”? Do you find your mind wandering when you’re trying to read the Word of God or pray? Do you get a task half done and then before completion, move to another task? Or have you read several pages of your book and then realise you haven’t got a clue as to what you read? If you answer yes to any of these questions, plus the several other instances that come to mind, then surely you lack “CONCENTRATION.”



The Bible encourages “CONCENTRATION” in several instances, not the least of which is;

Colossians 3:2                                    And SET YOUR MINDS and KEEP THEM SET on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. (This is a nice way of saying you must “CONCENTRATE”  ..  comments mine)

The things that disrupt our concentration according to Colossians are “the things that are on the earth”, aka “distractions”.  This does not mean that these things are not legitimate, necessary, part of our work activity, unavoidable obligations et cetera et cetera. It does infer however that it is possible to maintain “CONCENTRATION” not just for a few moments but as an ongoing pattern.

The one thing that corrupts our concentration more than any other is “A LACK OF SELF CONTROL”. In 2 Peter 1:6 we are encouraged to, “in [exercising] knowledge (The exercising of knowledge is the application or pragmatism of the principles of faith and virtue in verse 5)  [DEVELOP] SELF-CONTROL, and in [EXERCISING] SELF-CONTROL [develop] steadfastness (patience, endurance),”

The practical significance is enormous. Most of the problems that plague modern individuals in our society — addiction, overeating, crime, domestic violence, prejudice, debt, unwanted pregnancy, educational failure, underperformance at school and work, lack of savings, failure to exercise — is attributable to some degree of failure of the central aspect,  SELF-CONTROL.

Many folks claim that they just don’t have “SELF CONTROL” and find it difficult to control those impulses that corrupt their “CONCENTRATION”, They find it difficult to restrict their food intake, or to adopt the biblical proposal of Psalm 46:10, to “be still and know that I am God”. However, the word of God abruptly contradicts this position proclaiming that we h

2 Timothy 1:7                                    For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [HE HAS GIVEN US a spirit] of power (Dunamis or dynamite), and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and DISCIPLINE AND SELF-CONTROL.

If Father has given it to us, what have we done with it, why is it AWOL? The apostle Paul had obviously mastered this trait when he said in 1 Corinthians 7:7 “I wish that all men were like I myself am [in this matter of SELF-CONTROL].”

We know that the apostle was referring to marriage in this instance, however, he would not make such a bold statement if it wasn’t part of his nature.

It has been said, “if you learn self-control you can master absolutely anything”, and so we must conclude that would also include the tongue. SELF CONTROL refers to the ability to manage emotions and behaviour, inhibiting negative responses and DELAYING GRATIFICATION.

SELF CONTROL” is a nebulous and tenuous description because it is involved in so many aspects of our life and behaviour. Whilst I may have sufficient “SELF CONTROL” not to get involved in a brawl, but insufficient self-control when involved in a buffet. No matter how many scenarios we can postulate, the answers, remedies and excuses seem to be just as myriad.

self-control 1

And so, I looked for a common denominator underpinning self-control and would suggest that the cause is our search or need forINSTANT GRATIFICATION”. If we misunderstand this term we can turn it around to expose the paucity of “DELAYED GRATIFICATION”.


It is an interesting observation that when a protest group begin their chant it is like this, “WHAT DO WE WANT (insert the claim) WHEN DO WE WANT IT, NOW”!!!!!!!  They continue to intone this demand thinking that it will somehow miraculously give them “INSTANT GRATIFICATION”. Unfortunately, in many cases, this leads to violence as “the mob” have never understood “DELAYED GRATIFICATION”.

instant gratification

Delayed gratification” is not something widely practised, seldom promoted, assiduously avoided, poorly understood.  I think we sandbag our need for “INSTANT GRATIFICATION” by focussing on what we think is a suitable alternative, creating or locating crutches or quick fixes as a salve for conscience.

Being able to delay satisfaction isn’t the easiest skill to acquire. It involves our feeling dissatisfied, which is why it seems impossible for people who haven’t learned to control their impulses. Choosing to have something right now might feel good, but making the effort to have discipline and manage our impulses can result in bigger or better rewards in the future, an understatement to say the least.

When settling down to study do you find that you need to snack, maybe not on Tim Tams, but maybe some fruit or other inoffensive item, or do you see a book on the table and pick it up to “scan”, or to return a phone call that you just remembered, anything that “satisfies” your impulse at the moment. I speak from experience!!! We have come to recognise this vital need in our lives by the acronym, ESP, “Endurance, Steadfastness and Patience”, vital components of self-control promoted by the Bible. (Luke 12:19, James 1:3-4, 2 Peter 1:6)

Colossians 1:11                                 [We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of ENDURANCE AND PATIENCE (PERSEVERANCE AND FORBEARANCE) WITH JOY,

Where do most of our slip-ups occur? When we have failed in our “SELF CONTROL”. The absence or lack of “delayed gratification” is the same as a lack of “self-control”. Many car crashes are due to lack of concentration, including not using the mobile phone when driving. The lack of self-control is the culprit, the need for instant gratification ends up in disaster.


Is there a remedy, how do I fix this impulsive behaviour? The psychiatrists today have identified that in many cases there is a dreadful medical condition identified as ADHD, or “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”. I do not underestimate the seriousness of this condition and the devastating effects it has on some people however in my case, and maybe yours, it is probably not a medical condition, simply an agile and undisciplined mind, I have “ATTENTION DEFICIT”.

If it was suggested that we suffered from non-medical ADD we probably would be highly offended, yet in applying the nomenclature to our state demands a nostrum. I suggest we can delete the “H” letter as few demonstrate “hyperactivity”, so we are left with “ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER” or, the inability to “CONCENTRATE”.

It’s human to forget things occasionally, but for someone with a deficit in attention, it can be debilitating. You may become easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds, bounce from one activity to another or become bored quickly.

If we are humble and wise enough to accept Old Testament recommendations, we will find that way back in antiquity a man after God’s own heart, Moses, clearly defined behaviour patterns that would eliminate the callisthenics of an undisciplined mind, enabling a result of divine consequence. He said;

Deuteronomy 6:5-9                         And you shall love the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being and with all your might. (In other words, “CONCENTRATE”)  And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be [first] in your [own] minds and hearts; (Things you are CONCENTRATING on)  [then]  You shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, (So they stick in your mind as perpetual CONCENTRATION) and teach and impress them diligently upon the [minds and] hearts of your children, (teach your children to “CONCENTRATE”) and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up. (Consistently reminding them to CONCENTRATE) And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets (forehead bands) between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (So that you don’t forget to “CONCENTRATE”)

 The consequential result is then nominated in verse 25; “And it will be accounted as righteousness (conformity to God’s will in word, thought, and action”. By adopting Moses recommendations not only will our thought patterns come under control but also our will and our word.

Likewise, anger and complaint are the fuel of “SELF or INSTANT GRATIFICATION”. The requirement of Psalm 46:10 demands self-control, the “BE STILL” is just another term for “CONCENTRATE”. There is a difference between motivation and self-control, but we should not concentrate on the goal, we should seek to refine our identity

CONCENTRATE” also means to make something stronger, or more dense when speaking either of materials, or more acutely focused when speaking of minds. Can the meaning be employed regarding both speaking of materials or minds? I suggest it can, it is just we have never spent enough time concentrating on the subject. Just like we have “vanilla extract” or “orange concentrate”, both of which refer to some induced intensity or concentrate of the material, so the eradication of the “pulp of self-gratification” will produce the concentrate.

The casual read of the Bible or a religious novel, or the irregular participation and commitment to the Lord’s Table only serves to gratify the need to appear committed, they lack “heart”. Lack of “CONCENTRATION” in one area will generally flow over into other areas, evident as a lack of self-control.

The reward of “CONCENTRATION” comes in many forms, but they are all of inestimable value, for they come from the very treasury of Heaven. We will never, or very rarely get revelation unless we are searching out the truth because it is a cherished commodity only afforded the diligent not the dilatory, specifically those who will “CONCENTRATE”. It is how we plumb the depths of truth that lie awaiting our unearthing by meditation and contemplation.

Deuteronomy 29:29 (A)                 The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but the THINGS WHICH ARE REVEALED BELONG TO US and to our children forever.

In mining terms, the sought-out precious mineral is mixed with the overburden, that is, all the material that is superfluous to the object of the pursuit, and so this material is dispensed with as part of the “concentration” process. The same applies to the spiritual, we need to dispense with the superfluous.

But it goes further, when the ore is then refined, it leaves “tailings” and this “waste” often still contains traces of precious metal that can be recovered later. The same applies in our “Concentration” in God’s Word, there will be truths that we see that are yet to be revealed but may then be recovered at a later date during our study of the Word. So, the “tailings” are set aside for later study and explanation. That’s the benefit of keeping a journal when you read the Word, jot down the “tailings”.

A whole new light now shines on Romans 8:1 for it is basically saying “DON’T FOLLOW YOUR IMPULSES BUT CONCENTRATE”.

Romans 8:1                                        THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, WHO LIVE [AND] WALK NOT AFTER THE DICTATES OF THE FLESH, BUT AFTER THE DICTATES OF THE SPIRIT

We are familiar with the terms “meditation and contemplation”, well they are just another term for “concentration”. The Psalmist was a man after God’s own heart and part of his success was his ability to “MEDITATE”. He frequently cites those occasions where he spends quality time in meditation, concentrating on the things of great import.

Psalm 77:6                                          I call to remembrance my song in the night; with my heart I meditate and MY SPIRIT SEARCHES DILIGENTLY:

I like the expanse of David’s meditation because it is his “heart”, so it signifies that it is his “attitude”, one of meditation or concentration. But he takes it further and we will do well to keep this in mind; because his mind is fixed on things eternal, then his spirit takes over during the night watches when his mind may be at rest, and that work of the spirit is “DILIGENT”.

There is a progression gained in David’s behaviour and he shares the route that not only enables his wisdom to become evident, but leads to UNDERSTANDING, or EXPERIENCE. He describes how he “CONCENTRATES” on a continuing basis when he says in Psalm 1 with the consequences in Psalm 49.

Psalm 1:2                                             But HIS DELIGHT AND DESIRE are in the law of the Lord, and on His law (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God) HE HABITUALLY MEDITATES (PONDERS AND STUDIES) BY DAY AND BY NIGHT

Psalm 49:3                                          My mouth shall speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.

Spiritual meditation is simply the ability to hear God’s voice and obey His Word. It is no more complicated than that simple definition. It requires no secret or esoteric knowledge, no mysteries, no mantras, and no mental gymnastics, but it does require one thing …   PRACTICE. Meditation means active contemplation, not wandering reverie and it depends on the purposeful concentration of the mind on the subject of meditation, and the deliberate expulsion of discordant thought and images. Paul summed it up 6 times in:

Philippians 4:8                                   For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honourable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, THINK ON AND WEIGH AND TAKE ACCOUNT OF THESE THINGS [FIX YOUR MINDS ON THEM].


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