FOR CONSIDERATION                                                               ROSS SMITH  011219




James 1:2-4                                        (1) CONSIDER it WHOLLY JOYFUL, my brethren, WHENEVER you are ENVELOPED in or ENCOUNTER trials of any sort or FALL into various temptations. (3) Be ASSURED AND UNDERSTAND that the TRIAL AND PROVING OF YOUR FAITH bring out ENDURANCE AND STEADFASTNESS AND PATIENCE. (4)  BUT LET endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that (The “BUT” together with the “SO THAT” constitute the Apodosis, the condition followed by the consequence)   you may be [people] PERFECTLY AND FULLY DEVELOPED [WITH NO DEFECTS], LACKING IN NOTHING.

These particular verses in James chapter 1 carry significant importance and significance if we are to proceed to the ultimate intention that Father designed before eternity began, that is, to again be made in His image and likeness. It requires that we look carefully for the “Authors Intended Meaning” instead of glossing over what we consider as insignificant terms.

The introductory word in verse 2 is “CONSIDERand suggests that we might possibly or ignorantly see the occasion as less than preferred but nominates that it is necessary to view the matter in light of God’s Word. To “CONSIDER” requires that we stop and think about the issue to glean all the nuances instead of letting our preconceptions prevail.

“CONSIDERATION” in this case is to recognise God at work by being “WHOLLY JOYFUL” despite the event, which is not just acceptance, it is a positive reaction to having seen the hand of God in us and in our circumstance. It also means that no one else should see the possible prior, and maybe poor reaction or its effects before we “CONSIDERED”. Those reactions, in the heat of the moment, may be less than is demanded, and maybe not God-glorifying.

CONSIDERalso means to meditate or contemplate, all of which means to deliberate or chew over the particular matter in mind, and this is not some superficial evaluation but a deep musing even as we work. It is the “thought part” of Mark 4:24, “The measure of thought and study you give to the truth you hear

The normal person when “confronted” by some event or circumstance immediately and instinctively analyses the event to identify either the cause or effect and how it may affect them, and it is called “self-preservation” in the animal kingdom. The “WHOLLY JOYFUL” does not necessarily extricate us from the event but elevates us to rule in the event. The development of this ability is to be able to “see as God sees”.

Rest assured, however, that this divinely enabled ability will be seen by those who are unfamiliar with God’s principles as being either strange, odd or even eccentric. Attempted explanation is futile because the word declares,

1 Corinthians 2:14                            But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.

In all these incidents there will probably be the unanticipated or unexpected for James uses the term “WHENEVER”, and this also means “on every occasion”. The fact that it occurs right early in the discourse is an alert that we should be both “prepared” and also “ready”, as they are two different things. We can never be ready however if we have not done the preparation.

This “WHENEVER” provides for three different scenarios,

  1. Whenever we are enveloped
  2. Whenever we simply encounter
  3. Whenever we fall into

All three have their place for our development but also have their place for our ministry.

ENCOUNTER      The “ENCOUNTER” may be a fleeting or shorter-term event or incident we meet, but it also has two foundational aspects as well,

  • We need to be prepared and ready at all times, there may be no room or time for getting your act together if it is a chance “encounter”, not meaning is not under God’s control, but it is unexpected.
  • The time in this instance to “Consider” is probably also very brief, consequently, the vital need to have our mind set and kept set (Colossians 3:2) so that our response is appropriate and results in being “Wholly Joyful”.

ENVELOPED        To be “ENVELOPED” has much wider implications such as, “overwhelmed, engulfed, swathed, shrouded, wrapped” just to name a few, but positively indicates that we can be  “up to our eyes in alligators”.

This is the long game and will require more frequent “CONSIDERS” and its resultant, “WHOLLY JOYFUL”, because it also has several facets.

  1. It may involve our ministry to a spiritually needy person, it may mean illness, either personal or in another person, it may mean persecution either warranted or unearned, but whenever we are “enveloped”, to the natural mind it means there is no way out.
  1. It is an opportunity for the full blush of our ministry because when the situation is dire it is often overt, but not necessarily always. So, people become cognizant of our behaviour under stress, and it is fertile soil for the promise of “peace, both internal and external”. (Isaiah 32:17) it also helps to develop a dependency on God, because the event is aligned with our personal maturity, James said “wheneverYOU” not whenever “WE”.
  1. An “ENVELOPING” event also gives us the route to deeper and better understanding. We corporately are generally aware of the Biblical principles relevant but poorly understood. Here is the difference, experience produces understanding, and what was previously “knowledge or theory”, becomes our experience by being submerged in the practicality of the circumstance equips us with the reality of both what are the many and varied aspects demanded of our ministry and the identification and implementation of the appropriate strategies. Father has provided for every contingency!

Sometimes the “ENVELOPED”, when it involves other people may be for ongoing encouragement, correction, discipline, teaching, or moral or ethical conformity. The “ENVELOPING” does not mean we become part of the issue but part of the solution.

FALL INTO           Having been successful in the encounter where we have either been ENVELOPED or ENCOUNTERED we now must take care unless we “FALL INTO”. The first two are “trials of any sort”, but this one comprises “temptations”. We are mostly alert to temptations if we have a tender conscience, but there are some which form a trap. Sometimes I am “tempted” to complain (Philippians 2:14) at other times I am “tempted” to neglect (1 Timothy 2:14).

This temptation is critical because if I have neglected my gift, that is, something of value, then that characteristic may have pervasive and undesirable undertones. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 says that our gifts are “various” meaning that they may be subject to different sorts of temptation, but more subtle, different or various strains of the same temptation but in different forms, designed to distract us from our gift or ministry.One of the most significant and destructive temptations is the “SELF SYNDROME”, that part of us that raises its ugly head at any perceived threat to my person/personality. The root of this temptation finds its nourishment in the polluted soil of pride, demanding extensive remedial intervention by the compound or emulsion of humility. There is no placebo for pride.

But, all of the above is necessary and vital, and if we do not have the tests and trials of experience then we may still lack understanding, and in that case, the event has not achieved its purpose.

James proceeds, and in 1:2 states “BE ASSUREDANDUNDERSTAND”. Understanding will further enhance our assurance, but our assurance is founded on faith, not on reason. The assurance is the ability to see past the event and see God at work. This preliminary appreciation of God’s hand in our life sets us on the right course to begin to appreciate His “INCONCEIVABLE GREATNESS”. When we begin to experience the order of God there will be no lack of assurance. The “UNDERSTAND” or experience of verse 2 is the testing range of our obedience or faith.

So, all the stuff other people might see and regard as hoo-ha, are indeed our test flights, the proving of the design and its practical operation according to Father’s plan. In industry, a testing program has objectives, otherwise, there is no satisfactory conclusion.

Likewise, our trials or testings have objectives, nominated here in verse 3 as “ENDURANCE” and repeated 21 times in the New Testament and frequently accompanied by adjectives such as “unswerving, patient, stand fast, great, every kind, unflinching, expectant”, so reinforcing the imperative nature of the characteristic. These objectives, when confirmed, determine the success of the testing procedure and the suitability of our equipping.

Similarly, “STEADFASTNESS” is recorded 14 times in New Testament and most often as an associate of “ENDURANCE”. 2 Peter 1:6 says that we can develop this attribute but requires the precursor of “knowledge and self-control”, those things that are the underpinning of “assurance and knowledge” listed in verse 3.

Thirdly, “PATIENCE” has 20 mentions in the New Testament and again highlighting the purpose of trials and temptations. Hebrews 10:36 is an unwelcome reminder of my need until it was qualified by the outcome.

Hebrews 10:36                                  For you have need of STEADFAST PATIENCE AND ENDURANCE, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised.

The reason we “Have need of steadfast patience and endurance” is clarified in James 1:4, and is the “SO THAT”, identifying the calibre and quality proven in the testing process, described as, “PERFECTLY AND FULLY DEVELOPED [WITH NO DEFECTS], LACKING IN NOTHING.

I have purposely not tried to define “ENDURANCE STEADFASTNESS PATIENCE” (E.S.P.) because each attribute requires DIFFERENT cultivation in each of DIFFERENT us. What may be easy for you to endure might appear as a trauma for me. Similarly, with steadfastness and patience, the testing procedure will be in accordance with the development of our fruit, sometimes I need pruning, some others may require the cultivation of their soil.

Without the “experience or understanding” of James 1:3 we would not be qualified to behave as James recommends in verse 4. He says “BUT LET” or in other words ALLOW or ACCEPT, all those terms that clearly define that it is up to me, I can either conform or complain. Sometimes we prohibited or cause, or even avoid the “Endurance, Steadfastness, Patience” due to myriad excuses. James says, “BUT LET”, meaning we must accept and participate in the “proving circumstance”, not try to sidestep but face it head-on.



Hebrew 12:11                                    FOR THE TIME (This is the same time as the “enveloping, encountering, falling into” is occurring  ..  comments mine)  being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; BUT AFTERWARDS it yields a PEACEABLE FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS to those who have been trained by it [a harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness–IN  CONFORMITY to God’s will in purpose, thought, and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God].

When Hebrews speaks about “peaceable fruits of righteousness” it is helpful to understand the implications. In POMOLOGY, the science of fruit growing, the “peaceable fruit of righteousness” would be known as “CONFORMITY”, and just like natural fruit it comes in several “varieties”, so does the fruit of “CONFORMITY” have varieties. With apples, the varieties are numerous, Granny Smith, Delicious, Jonathan, Pink Lady to name a few.

James has gone to some lengths to describe the varieties of “CONFORMITY”  in chapter 3:18 and nominates them as, “concord, agreement, harmony, undisturbedness, peaceful mind”, and suggest they are free from defects and blemishes such as “fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts.”

 So, the “BUT LET”  or “CONFORMITY” will confirm our fruitfulness, and the maturity of that fruit, evidenced in verse 4 and described as “perfectly and fully developed, no defects, and no lack”.

A similar instruction is found in Psalm 46:10, and clearly define that there are areas in Christ where we need to allow Father to refine and polish us, but there are also other areas where we have to relinquish our hold, stop resisting the remonstrations of the Lord to bring us to that divine state of fruitfulness that will bring Him glory, and bring us to glory. This Psalm reinforces the principles of knowledge and understanding as fundamental to this elevation.

Psalm 46:10              Let be and be still, and KNOW (recognize and UNDERSTAND) that I am God.





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