PERFECTLY TIMED WHATEVER’S                                                                                             ROSS SMITH


The following notes are but a preamble to a very interesting event and only cover much of the superficial material, rich for exploration. I am not sure that we understand the significance of the “Wedding at Cana” for unexplained nuances make the event both interesting and significant, particularly in relation to “AWARENESS and TIMING.” Let me briefly highlight some of the instances before reaching my conclusions.

As an introduction, John in chapter 2 points out that “the mother of Jesus was there.” Superficially this does not seem significant; however, she appears to have been closely connected with the family celebrating the feast, suggested by her involvement regarding the deficiency in the wine, and her terse direction to the servants, but she  was “INVOLVED,”  NOT JUST THERE. We, too, can be “in attendance” but NOT INVOLVED.

Equally intriguing is that John identifies that this is the “third day”, not specifying the “third day of what.” Eastern weddings in that culture often stretched over an extended period, so was this the third day of the wedding, the third day of the week, for the third day of the month? Pay attention to detail, for there is a reason behinds John’s observation.

Almost as an oversight, we can hear John saying in verse 2, “Oh, by the way, Jesus and his disciples were there also.” John doesn’t indicate how many disciples, but chapter 1 infers there were 5,  nor does he indicate how many servants or how many guests! But he does indicate six levels of involvement, “mother, (Nothing about Joseph, maybe he had passed away)  Jesus, disciples, servants, manager and bridegroom.” All the rest, the guests, are only “extras.” This takes away any chance of class distinction in God’s administration, covering all bases and players in the scene; the “extras” will be observers and maybe even beneficiaries of God at work when we are “AWARE” of God at work. These were all “INVOLVED”, and we fit into one or another category, equally as important in the plan.

There is no indication as to who was getting married, but it can be concluded that it was a significant wedding hinted at by verse 6. It was being conducted under “JEWISH CUSTOM”, demanding “DECENCY AND ORDER according to the rules. And there were six waterpots holding up to 180 gallons; in our terms, that is over 800 Litres. Hence we can assume it was a “big bash.”

V 6                                                         “Now there were six waterpots of stone standing there, as the Jewish custom of purification (ceremonial washing) demanded, holding twenty to thirty gallons apiece.”

Three things emerge in this verse, (1) the pots were of stone, (2) The rules and proper order were being adhered to, (3) This “adherence” was not optional; it was “Demanded.”

The fact that the “waterpots”  were made of stone, not ceramic, is mentioned indicates the affluence of this wedding, the size and capacity demanding craftsmanship of significant degree, and so particularly valuable.

We should not assume that the miracle that followed resulted in 800 Litres of wine, for Jesus is unlikely to have countenanced overindulgence in any way, and maybe like the cruise of oil, the water emerged as wine ONLY AS WAS NECESSARY. Why do I reach this conclusion? Well, verse 8 makes it obvious, “Then He said to them, DRAW SOME OUT now and take it to the manager of the feast.” The expediency of such an instruction is not to be underestimated.

Mary’s statement to Jesus is, “THEY have no more wine.” Although Mary seems to have a prominent place in the conducting of this wedding, here she is “disowning” the problem. Still, her intervention acknowledges that it could be an embarrassment to the wedding party and seeks a solution. This “THEY”  are the “extras” addressed down further but not identified.

Who told Mary, and why did she need to know? Why was Mary so concerned about the lack of wine, did the host not order enough, or did the guests drink too much? All questions of conjecture. But research of the cultural norms of that day would probably provide answers, but the minutiae are there for our study and benefit.

When Mary spoke to the waiters, she did not give them any excuse, and dare I say, would not have accepted any excuse. This is where the event became interesting. Mary’s statement suggests to me a level of most unusual “AWARENESS”, maybe an “unconscious awareness”, borne out of the experience of Jesus’ in his formative years, when she says to the “waiters” in Verse 11, “WHATEVER HE SAYS TO YOU, DO IT.” A statement like this removes any restrictions that our objections may wish to include.

WHAT GOOD ADVICE FOR US TODAY? Mary didn’t ask for WINE; she asked for “WHATEVER”. In the Amplified Bible, the term “WHATEVER” occurs 86 times, and so here is an example of the great “WHATEVER”, a dimension outside of our mental agility and often considered outside our ability, but, “WHATEVER HE SAYS TO YOU, DO IT.”  Briefly, just two examples;

1 John 5:4                                           For WHATEVER is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith. (Adherence, trust and reliance, not only “victorious” but “conquers.”  ..  comments mine)

Colossians 3:17                                 And WHATEVER you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [DEPENDENCE UPON] HIS PERSON,  (That same “Adherence, trust and reliance)    giving praise to God the Father through Him.

But why would Mary be so strident in her directions to the waiters? Up to this point in time, Jesus has never evidenced any miraculous powers. He has always been an outstanding son, even when He stood them up on the return visit from Jerusalem when 12 years old. He has shown wisdom and insight far beyond the normal but never had anything to do with catering before that we are aware of. He was certainly no sommelier, at least not before this event!

Mary has carried the promise of the angel for some decades now, and the “AWARENESS” or that profound and deep sense of expectancy that she is now enunciating is not borne out of experience but that inward resonation of the Holy Spirit like Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:4 (B), “a proof by the Spirit and power of God, operating on me and stirring in the minds of my hearers the most holy emotions and thus persuading them. (The persuasion is “WHATEVER HE SAYS, DO IT!!!)

She was no doubt earnestly anticipating Jesus’ day of demonstration as the years rolled on, for it would be a day of vindication for her. She would address the issue on this occasion and then leave the matter with Jesus.

We are in that same situation; we have now carried the promises of God for some decades, the reminders come thick and fast, there are myriads perishing because we don’t have enough “WINE” of celebration for the “Extras” we need to invite to the wedding of His bride, and the Word puts it like this,

Matthew 9:17                                    Neither is new wine (I like to think of this new wine as “Inspiration”) put in old wineskins; (Our old habits and preconceptions and preferences  ..  comments mine) for if it is, the skins burst and are torn in pieces, (These constitute “Disasters” that await the above behaviour  ..  comments mine)  and the wine is spilled and the skins are ruined. BUT NEW WINE IS PUT INTO FRESH WINESKINS, AND SO BOTH ARE PRESERVED.

This “Cana wine” was very “NEW”, not even subjected to the maturity on the vine but of the utmost quality. These “FRESH WINESKINS” are new believers awaiting the “NEW WINE” we will miraculously bring to the table when we do as Mary said to the waiters, when we do our,  “WHATEVER He says,” and we “DO IT.”

So, what happens? Jesus responded to his mother in verse 4, basically saying, “well, why are you telling me?”  I get the same or similar response in my spirit at times when I try to bring some confronting truths to bear; the “pushback” is much the same, “why are you telling me?” We may not vocalise the sentiment, but dismissing it in our mind and spirit is the same thing.

I am not suggesting Jesus was at the wedding under sufferance, but that His mind was occupied with far more important things than some catering chaos. There was a tinge of disinterest in His response.

(ERV), “Dear woman, why are you telling me this – it is not yet time for me to begin my work.”

(CEV) Mother, my time hasn’t come yet! You must not tell me what to do.”

Sometimes that is our response to the agitation of the spirit, the repetitions of the same message, the stirring but suppression of our conscience, even if we know the situation to be relevant, “PLEASE DON’T TRY AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO.”

We can conclude from this dialogue that Mary knew more than is disclosed, whether by instinct, which is unlikely, nor by experience; Jesus never evidenced miraculous power before, but by that sensitivity and “AWARENESS” cultivated in her trust in God and the anointing on her Son promised by the angelic messenger. She reflected on her miraculous conception and relevant promises, thoughts germinating in her heart for years.

Luke 1:32-33                                      He will be great (eminent) and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to Him the throne of His forefather David, (V33) And He will reign over the house of Jacob throughout the ages; and of His reign there will be no end.

Now,  because of her “belief”, that is, her “ADHERENCE, TRUST AND RELIANCE”  in the God who blessed her, she acknowledges and recognises that His intervention is required. Did she expect Jesus to turn the water into wine? I can’t imagine so, and I am sure Mary would not have let her mind go down such a mundane route.

Jesus, by His reply, identifies that His timing was of greater priority, and this was such a minor event compared to what He knew He had to do. His response suggests that He had matters of far greater consequence on His mind and this “wedding” was an intrusion and of little import?

Could Mary have conceived what was to take place? Most unlikely because she used the term “WHATEVER.” In so saying, she is divorcing her “reason” for the much higher dimension of “season.” She was somehow aware that things were winding up or down, whatever way you look at it.

There was resonating in her spirit the “AWARENESS” of the enormity of the inherent and regal power in the Son she bore, insight and discernment that He was ultimately wise, divinely equipped, not there by chance, stating, “WHATEVER He says,” and unquestioningly convinced, “just do it.

How many “WHATEVER’S” have we been afforded? More importantly, how many more are we likely to receive if we ignore the instructions of God’s Word to “JUST DO IT”. The longer we procrastinate and defer to take up the challenge Father has laid at our feet, the more culpable we become.

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