ALL THESE THINGS ARE TAKING PLACE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ROSS SMITH  021121



2 Corinthians 4:15                            FOR ALL THESE THINGS ARE TAKING PLACE FOR YOUR SAKE, SO THAT the MORE GRACE (divine favor and spiritual blessing) extends to MORE AND MORE PEOPLE and multiplies through the many, the MORE THANKSGIVING may increase [and redound] to the glory of God.

In paraphrase, “ Everything is happening to you for the sake of others and to make you grateful.”

It is important to notice the tense used by the apostle in this expression, “These things ARE taking place”, which is present continuous tense, but then comes to the “SO THAT”, which is future tense. If we do not effectively engage in the “Things taking place”, then WE WILL FORFEIT whatever Father intended in the “For your sake.” Failure to comply results in failure to conform.

Paul has nominated that “ALL these things ARE taking place, not WILL take place, and so we should be looking in expectation for similar experiences he has nominated in the previous seven verses. The “ALL” does not pertain just to the significant, but also simple, and the difference is only in our “AWARENESS”………   ALL THESE THINGS.

We are familiar with what John 1:16 says, complementing the above verse by stating, “one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.”

God will always achieve His purpose by utilising the services of instruments WHO ARE DETERMINED to make clear that the exceeding greatness of His power is His, not theirs. (V7)  Whenever there is a SCINTILLA of pride, it banishes humility and cancels our credibility.

You may have noticed that I have bolded, underlined and enlarged the word “YOUR” because I accept the challenge the apostle Paul is offering to me to understand if only superficially, the hand of God in everything. For that reason, I see that “For ALL these things ARE taking place for MY sake, here and now, in every moment, so, the verse is both personal and powerful.

  1. FOR “WHOM”, ALL THESE THINGS ARE TAKING PLACE Paul is not only addressing the “THESE THINGS” that he was experiencing, but all things WE are experiencing – they are determining our character. Our experiences do not DEFINE our character, but our experiences DETERMINE our character.

If we can only see the present circumstance and cannot rise above the event or implement the sacrifice of my “pet bull” as with Gideon, then we are spiritually myopic and cannot see “ALL THINGS.”

If you’re not sure what I’m referring to, the details in Romans 5 make it very obvious, although not more palatable, it relates to character.

Rom 5:3-4                                           Moreover [LET US ALSO BE FULL OF JOY NOW!] (Present continual tense  ..  comments mine)  let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. (V4) AND ENDURANCE (FORTITUDE) DEVELOPS (This is the same as above, “Determine”) MATURITY OF CHARACTER (approved faith (This is “adherence, trust and reliance in operation, sight unseen, proof not given, results not obvious  ..  Comments mine) and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] PRODUCES [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation.


TRIED INTEGRITY” is the practice and product of being honest and showing a consistent and UNCOMPROMISING ADHERENCE to strong moral and ethical principles and values (Wikipedia)

  INTEGRITY” is the opposite of hypocrisy, and I remind us, “To say we believe something and not do it, is dishonest, hypocritical and fraudulent. “INTEGRITY” has no accommodation for conflicting values and is the condition of having a moral framework and acting according to that framework, i.e. God’s Word. CONFLICTING VALUES CANCEL CREDIBILITY.

Unless correct ideas of worship and true reverence are expressed and impressed upon our hearts, there will be a growing tendency to place the holy, sacred and eternal on a level with common and profane things. (See the study “The holy and the Profane”). Those professing the truth will be a contrast and viewed as a disgrace to religion. We can never, with our uncultivated ideas and inappropriate motives, appreciate the pure and the holy and be prepared to join with the worshipers in the heavenly court who are watching us intently, where all is pure and perfect, where every being has absolute reverence for God and His holiness.  (The “great cloud of witnesses of Hebrews 12:1)

The progression in Romans 5:3 is significant, FIRSTLY the exulting, THEN the triumph. We are much more accustomed to wanting to triumph first before we exult, but it doesn’t work that way.

These two verses in Romans 5 contain five varieties of difficulty, and the endurance and fortitude PRODUCE five different results.



  • Troubles )
  • Sufferings )              If we object, refuse, kick against the pricks there remains childishness, a lack of maturity, a void of integrity.
  • Pressure )
  • Affliction )
  • Hardship )


  • Maturity (is implemented, and the following items are contingent)
  • Approved faith —           evidence of adherence, trust and reliance
  • Tried integrity —           proven adherence to God’s precepts
  • Habit of joyfulness —   regardless
  • Confident hope — undisturbed peace


According to Matthew, maturity accompanies tested character or “tried integrity.” If there is ONLY a little response to testing, there will ONLY be little character!


Paul again asserts the principle in 2 Corinthians 6:4, “through GREAT endurance, in tribulation and suffering, in hardships and privations, in sore straits and CALAMITIES.

I have mentioned more than once that “disasters are happening and are waiting to happen.” Corinthians identifies them as “CALAMITIES” and is Father’s last resort in attempting to have us “CONFORM.” This scenario awaits us if we retain any other idiosyncrasies and hold improper attitudes like those of Jonah’s days.

Jonah 4:1 (B — ESV)                         And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left. (That is, they are unable to tell right from wrong, lacking spiritual maturity and integrity  ..  comments mine)

THESE” constitute “ALL THESE THINGS TAKING PLACE”, no mention of parties, holidays, time off, recreation, just things that are “GREAT”, “through GREAT endurance” (2 Corinthians 6:4). It is probably a convenient point to compare 2 Corinthians 6:4 with Romans 5:3 – 4.


 ROMANS 5:3-4                                                  2 CORINTHIANS 6:4

  • Troubles Tribulation                                            Tribulation
  • Sufferings Suffering                                            Suffering
  • Pressure Calamity                                               Calamity
  • Affliction Sore straits                                          Sore straits
  • Hardship Hardship and privation                       Hardship and privation`

But it would be remiss if I did not draw your attention to verses 5 – 10 in 2 Corinthians, for I would not have you limit the refining process to that above, as there are several other “furnaces” being stoked for our refining, designed to produce results.


  • Maturity is carried out
  • Approved faith
  • Tried integrity
  • Habit of joyfulness
  • Confident hope

These constitute “ALL THESE THINGS TAKING PLACE.” True servants are produced through great endurance and tribulation. If that seems objectionable, see what Hebrews says and the purpose for it.

I have a question for you. What do you perceive as the most important “NEED” you have today?

Hebrews 10:36                                  FOR YOU HAVE NEED (NOW —Present continual tense !!!)  of steadfast patience and endurance, SO THAT (Future tense )  you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised. (AKA “Potential”  ..  comments mine)

Without this “steadfast patience and endurance”, Paul is inferring that there is a question mark over our ability to do God’s will, and secondly, to receive the promise or to evidence proper fruits. Not an attractive place to be.

 He is consistent in his recommendations. He says, “for you have NEED”, and proceeds to identify those three traits which seem so elusive, “steadfastness, patience, endurance”, which we frequently evidence as brittle and fragile. But, when I can see that this “NEEDis not a lack but a provision because, in this case, God supplies the “NEED” as well as the “SOLUTION”, then I am beginning to mature.

It is probably a convenient time to contemplate the “SO THAT.

Philippians 4:19                                And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) YOUR EVERY NEED according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

That “NEED” is parceled up in “ALL THESE THINGS TAKING PLACE”, difficulties and tribulations liberally supplied by the Lord we claim to own and now arrogantly object to! We think this is for our tangible needs, Father is more interested in our spiritual needs, in our conformity, not our comfort!




The reason is “FOR MY SAKE”    SO THAT there will be “MORE GRACE” of 2 Corinthians 4:15 Oh, that I had a greater appreciation of grace, how presumptuous am I on a daily basis when I take God’s grace for granted?

When I look around at the turmoil of the nations, the insurrection of society, the hospitals packed to the rafters, the persecution of some ethnic groups,  the insincerity of churchgoers, then I need John to remind me!

John 1:16                                             FOR OUT OF HIS FULLNESS (ABUNDANCE) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift. 

 Have we expressed our gratitude this last week? We may need to remove some objections to make room for gratitude!!!!!

 That’s why “ALL THESE THINGS ARE TAKING PLACE”, to get my attention and to arrest my focus, to collect my thoughts as Zephaniah 2:1 says and see the magnificence and munificence of God in my charmed life, living in the “FULLNESS” of John 1 and acknowledging the privilege.

1 Chronicles 16:8                              O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name;! make known His doings among the peoples.

We “make known” not just by what we say; PEOPLE ARE NOT GOOD LISTENERS but how we behave in our experience, that ability to “exult and triumph” which is devoid of any complaint or pride.

See the source image


Every week I spend hours responding to people’s questioning of “ALL THESE THINGS” as though “something strange, unusual and alien was befalling you.”

We must quickly, expediently and prudently recognise that “ALL THESE THINGS” are not “alien”, are not things of chance, they don’t just emerge from the dust, they are “BY APPOINTMENT,” and we need to keep our appointments. The world has expectations in our meeting “appointments”, but I fear many of us fail in this respect in spiritual matters, but we are exposed to appointments in the natural to develop this skill in the spiritual.

1 Peter 4:12                                        Beloved, do not be amazed and bewildered at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test your quality, as though something strange (unusual and alien to you and your position) were befalling you.”

AMAZED AND BEWILDERED” is a parallel statement to “object, neglect, refuse, complain.”

Appointments are made up of two things,

  1. TIME
  2. TASK

If we return to Romans 5:3, it says, “let us be full of joy”, which is the “TASK”, and to do it “NOW”, which is the time, and consequently is an appointment. If we are tardy in this respect, we will forfeit the maturity promised.

If we can’t meet our “APPOINTMENTS” now, where we have time to get ready and prepare, we will almost certainly miss the great “APPOINTMENT” of His return because it will be at an unannounced instant.

Another example where God’s Word has confronted us to deal with is our idiosyncrasies, our “pet bulls” (In the example of Gideon)  of poor attitudes or questionable motives identified in the story of Gideon, so I ask did you go to bed last night with any outstanding issues, minor, major or malevolent, then you missed the “Appointment.”

Ephesians 4:26                                  When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your WRATH (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down.

WRATH” is not just anger; it is a “bad attitude”. In verse 31, it is lumped in with “passion, rage, bad temper, resentment, in fact, a compendium of emotions that have no place in our “APPOINTMENTS.”   If you’re still not convinced, 2 Corinthians 12:20 will add some clarity.

  1. THESE THINGS ARE TAKING PLACE” ——- so that I can, through understanding, gained by experience, be profitable and  for the benefit of “MORE AND MORE PEOPLE.”  If I resist the experience, that is, the “THINGS TAKING PLACE”, then I fail to please the Lord and evidence blatant disobedience.

 Hebrews 3:10                                    And so I was provoked (displeased and sorely grieved) with that generation, and said, They always err and are led astray in their HEARTS, (Or “motives”, of retribution, retaliation, point-scoring  ..  Comments mine)   and THEY HAVE NOT PERCEIVED OR RECOGNISED MY WAYS AND BECOME PROGRESSIVELY BETTER AND MORE EXPERIMENTALLY AND INTIMATELY ACQUAINTED WITH THEM.

I need to become “Progressively better and more experimentally and intimately acquainted” with God’s ways; OTHERWISE, I can be led astray.

I can’t afford to be led astray,  “MORE AND MORE PEOPLE” are dependent upon the grace of God I am to evidence, not just talk about, more than just think about, but the manifested creative genius of the Lord God I serve by His using the “ALL THESE THINGS TAKING PLACE” to produce a “life of contrast” exposing, reproving and convicting,MORE AND MORE PEOPLE.

This does not mean you will be liked; it could be quite the opposite

When you are intimately acquainted with someone, it means you understand their nature, behaviours, et cetera, and if they are commendable, try and emulate them.

Jeremiah 9:24                                    But let him who glories glory in this: that he UNDERSTANDS and KNOWS ME [personally and practically, directly discerning and recognising My character], that I am the Lord, Who practices loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord.

The words “discerning and recognising” are different dimensions. (1) DISCERNING is knowing Who He is, which demands number (2) RECOGNISING or acknowledging Him in every way.

  1. THESE THINGS ARE TAKING PLACE SO THATThe more thanksgiving may increase.” The vehicle to transport and convey my gratitude must be enlarged, the fleet extended, and that courier employed  is “AWARENESS.” Without “AWARENESS”, there is no fuel to carry my gratitude. This is the only way I can fulfil 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

1 Thessalonians 5:18                      Thank [God] in EVERYTHING (THAT IS HAPPENING  ..  comments mine)[NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES MAY BE, be thankful and give thanks], FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOU [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].

The “NO MATTER, is the “NO EXCUSES” as to what the circumstances may be”, which is another way of stating “These things taking place”, broadly covered by the word “EVERYTHING.

Paul says these circumstances, opportunities, and sanctified experiences are the events enabling us to walk in God’s will when we become so “AWARE” that we OOZE WITH GRATITUDE so that it broadly impinges upon others. If we resist or object, we take ourselves outside of God’s will. Here’s a good reason for “GRATITUDE.”


 A “MATTER” is not just physical matter, but “a subject or situation under consideration”. So, it takes in “ALL THESE THINGS.”

So many people are seeking God’s will for their lives when it is right there in front of them; God’s will is bound up in “ALL THESE THINGS THAT ARE TAKING PLACE” so that God is glorified, not by the MIRACULOUS but by the MUNDANE. This applies to the regular and the mundane such as eating and drinking, washing the car, cooking dinner; every moment is a miracle of God’s providence, even in the way our physical body works.

1 Corinthians 10:31                         So then, whether you eat or drink, or WHATEVER YOU MAY DO, do all for the honour and glory of God.   (Refer to “PERFECTLY TIMED WHATEVERS”)

Gratitude is more than feeling thankful: it is a deep appreciation that produces longer lasting positivity. KJV uses the term “Gladness of heart” for the AMP “Gratitude.” We breathe twenty-five thousand times a day, and for how many of those breaths did we express gratitude today?

1 Corinthians 8:3                              But if one loves God truly [with affectionate reverence, PROMPT OBEDIENCE, (Another way of saying KEEP THE APPOINTMENTS  ..  Comments mine )  and GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of His blessing], he is known by God [recognised as worthy of His intimacy and love, and he is owned by Him].

  1. THE RESULT OF THESE THINGS TAKING PLACE. We can either become “BITTER” or “BETTER”, but Father intends that we develop that skill of “Adherence, trust and reliance” that can only be cultivated in “ALL THESE THINGS.” The RESULT” as we have seen is extensive and comprised of those enviable characteristics so scant in the church society of today. The church “society” is different from the “Body of Christ” or “His church”, and maybe we have been looking in the wrong place for these “RESULTS”.

John 1:16                                             For out of His fullness (abundance) we have ALL received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.

I have these gifts unwrapped? They are inherent but maybe “latent” and lay unused as “POTENTIAL.”

When writing to the Ephesian church, Paul was praying that they may “be strong to apprehend and grasp (Same as “Discern and recognise of Jeremiah 9:24)   the experience of God’s love, the breadth and length and height and depth of it”.

He goes on to explain in Ephesians 3:19 that it comes by “EXPERIENCE(THE “THINGS TAKING PLACE  ..  Comments mine)  until we are “flooded with God himself.” That “EXPERIENCE” can only be found, learned and appreciated as we understand that “ALL THESE THINGS” is only another name for “EXPERIENCE.”

Ephesians 3:19                                  That you may REALLY (This is different to “Theoretical”  ..  comments mine) come] to know [PRACTICALLY, THROUGH EXPERIENCE for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without EXPERIENCE]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!

Can I ask, have your “EXPERIENCES” this week, no matter of what variety, such as work pressures, illness, responsibility, complaint, objection, resentment, have “ALL THESE THINGS” resulted in responses or reactions that other people were blessed, contributed through multiple gratitude, and were God-glorifying?




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