SUBTLE SIGNS OF SUBVERSION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ROSS SMITH




The trouble with the church at large today is we don’t know who we are, and spiritual subtly has been injected into us by those who would destroy our God-given purpose. We are spectators instead of participants in what is now a church democracy. The church is conducted to suit the congregation instead of demanding accountability. Respecting theocracy is evidenced when we personally and individually “Carefully analyse, accurately divide, rightly handle and skillfully teach.”

Sound like a strange premise to look at for a study? we are prepared to believe the lies and make-belief fed to us by “religious people” instead of “spiritual people”, and minuscule loud-mouthed lobby groups financed by some hidden hand, representing perversion and ideas once considered abhorrent to Christendom. Even Television preachers who “fleece the flock” with their impassioned plea to enhance your prosperity while feathering their nests.

Today, much of the church has spent decades learning the “language of the church” their accent is perfect, but they have little grasp of the spiritual vocabulary.

Isaiah 29:13                                         And the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near Me with their mouth and honour Me with their lips but remove their hearts and minds far from Me, and their fear and reverence for Me are a commandment of men that is learned by repetition [without any thought as to the meaning],

We can express the “syllables” but cannot evidence the “solids.” They are syllables without significance, sounds without signs, and symbolism devoid of sincerity.

It is not the speech that is faulty; it is the dictionary of the heart where the fundamentals of truth are “looked up” at convenient times. In natural terms, this sort of dictionary is advertised as “easier-english-basic-dictionary.


To understand the “subtle signs of subversion,” we must have a comprehensive understanding of propositions or principles that people would bring to our attention, often animatedly and colourfully.

The origin and intention of words “that God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16) are embellished by anecdotes and superficial observations so that the unsuspecting is distracted from God’s Word’s life-changing power.

Titus 2:7                                                And show your own self in all respects to be a pattern and a model of good deeds and works, teaching what is unadulterated, showing gravity (which is the opposite of “levity”)  having the strictest regard for truth and purity of motive], with dignity and seriousness.

I recently looked at the scriptural intention of “LOVE“. I was reassured that meticulous adherence to the commandments, precepts, orders, and instructions of the Word is the one and the only thing that will satisfy God’s heart has to my sincerity.

However, we can be subverted by the charismatic charlatan, subtly camouflaged in sheep’s clothing, not necessarily unknown, but maybe even from within. (2 Peter 2:1)

Jesus warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you dressed as sheep, but inside they are devouring wolves.” He was referring to pastors and teachers who—either with deliberate deceit or in ignorance—would bring false teachings into churches. (Matthew 7:15)

Jesus went on to say, “You shall know them by their fruits…” (Matt. 7:15-16). We are to be examining any teacher or pastor who presumes to preach the Bible—to discern their fruits.

The cliché, “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck”, does not apply to those who would appear to be authentic.

2 Peter 2:1  (A)                                    BUT ALSO [in those days] there arose false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among yourselves, who will subtly and stealthily introduce heretical doctrines (destructive heresies.

These “Heretical doctrines and destructive heresies” may not always be intentional but most certainly will be sourced in ignorance and disobedience to the Word of God, even in the little things.

Just because it sounds good doesn’t mean that it is good! The apostle Paul ensured that the Corinthian church understood this, indicating that eloquence without adherence constituted “a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”

He went further; even if the man seems incredibly gifted, remarkably intelligent, and even able to evidence the spectacular, and yet not adhere unswervingly to the Word of God, he was to be regarded as “as nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:1)

The propensity of Christendom today to patronise society by establishing food banks, women’s shelters, hospital respite, older people’s homes, whilst commendable characteristics and often necessary,  the apostle Paul stated categorically,

1 Corinthians 13:3                              Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or in order that I may glory, but have not love (God’s love in me), I gain nothing.

Paul’s statement, “God’s love in me“, is that abiding consistent, unwavering decisive dedication to the Word of God “in its entirety.”

1 John 2:5                                             But he who keeps (treasures) His Word [who bears in mind His precepts, who observes His message in its entirety], truly in him has the love of and for God been perfected (completed, reached maturity). By this we may perceive (know, recognise, and be sure) that we are in Him:

Why do I feel it is necessary to draw our attention to this matter in such strident terms? It is because in days to come, the “huffing and puffing” served up today as “preaching and teaching” needs to be purified. Ten minutes of “TRUTH” is far more constructive than two hours of “BLUFF” when the “language of the church” can be enunciated in eloquent terms but do nothing to build up the body of Christ or change the face of the nation.

Buying up the time” is not gaining more time but making the absolute best of our afforded time, both to PREPARE and SHARE.

In the preparation of our studies, we should studiously avoid theories proposed by people whose fruit is not obvious; we should not deviate to accommodate men’s opinions written for profit; we must become ruthless in our assessment of expressions of men that do not accurately replicate “Scripture that is God-breathed.” This means our studies are free from taint.

Consequently, it is recommended that when we compile a study, we realise the “first pass” review is not adequate meditation but requires ongoing and insightful revision to weed out all unnecessary and unenlightening statements or examples and anecdotes.

In so saying, it means that we need to become experts in “disambiguation“, and I know you will react to that Word, but what it means is that we become spiritually astute in scriptural explanation. This is not intended to deter our efforts but to impel our integrity.

In days to come, it may be necessary for each of us to remind each other that “DISAMBIGUATION” is the hallmark of the practitioner of C.A.R.S. that is the, “Carefully analysing, accurately dividing, rightly handling and skillfully teaching.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

Proverbs 13:5                                      A [consistently] righteous man hates lying and deceit (Read “subtlety“), but a wicked man is loathsome [his very breath spreads pollution] (Read, “What he says“), and he comes [surely] to shame.

We must learn and learn quickly to identify “the subtle signs of subversion.” It is called “CHURCHSPEAK.”

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