RADICAL CHANGE MANIFESTS INHERENT POWER                                                                                                                        ROSS SMITH



We probably need to break this statement down into bite-sized pieces to digest the content and implement the intent. So often, we are disappointed with ourselves and the progress we are making, and that in itself is a good thing, that is, unless it becomes destructive.

The progress we make is always related to the sort of change that is involved; for example, if it just requires us to be more punctual, we must start earlier in the task at hand. However, if it requires something like evidencing the “Wisdom from above”, then there is often needed significant change, firstly in the obtaining that characteristic, but more importantly, implementing that characteristic.

I would suggest that this “skill” is learned and accomplished in “INCREMENTS“, which may seem imperceptible changes because these changes must consolidate (making into a coherent whole) to constitute real change….(that change that is permanent and lasting

Deuteronomy 17:16 (B)                 YOU SHALL NEVER RETURN THAT WAY.

If the necessary change is being wrought within, that is what will keep us from going back the way we’ve come – returning to old habits. As we progress in these imperceptible advancements, there will be a recognition by the world around us, for our lives will become an evidence; it has to become apparent.

Ephesians 5:11                                  Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] expose and reprove and convict them.

The “BUT INSTEAD” is the equivalent of “CHANGE, SO THAT.”

IMPERCEPTIBLE = unnoticeable, invisible, indiscernible, unrevealed, light, slight, small, unremarkable, gradual, tiny, hardly noticeable, barely visible


Things become obvious and undeniable when habitually practised – and that habitual practice becomes that which is expected in us in the eyes of others – predictable – this is when our manner and conduct become a contrast – no vacillation but that habitual/unbroken practice.

IMPERCEPTIBLE CHANGE” is more apparent to us than to others sometimes, but we get disappointed that it doesn’t generally show.

The growth of this grace comes in many forms, but it is more than that gift of God at the time of our salvation; it is also how we establish our steadfastness. It is also an unavoidable change brought about by our persistent study and implementation of God’s Word, not just hearing but also doing. But in the long run, the antonym must come into play, and THE CHANGE MUST BECOME OBVIOUS.

 A lot is made of the need to reduce our waistline, millions of dollars are spent on advertising methods, and further millions are spent on joining these clubs and weight loss programs. But often, the progress is “IMPERCEPTIBLE” until we jump on the scales, for to look in the mirror can still be confronting. Still, the scales serve as an encouragement that although the change is “IMPERCEPTIBLE,” it is at least “INCREMENTAL” as long as we persist in the diet.

The same principle applies in spiritual terms; it is no good to be “spiritual” on Sunday and “natural” for the rest of the week. There has to be that daily commitment to the seemingly “IMPERCEPTIBLE” until we begin to see the “INCREMENTAL“, which, if perpetuated, will lead to the “RADICAL CHANGE” that constitutes “CONFORMITY.”

Radical change is described as, thorough-going, far-reaching or extreme, especially regarding the change from accepted or traditional forms;  It’s “radical” because it demands action/change relating to the fundamental nature of something.

INCREMENTS = increases, growths, boosts.

The whole of creation continues to grow, and we see this incremental change in the flowers of the garden, one day just a plant, then a bud and today a beautiful flower. It didn’t happen in an instant; it followed the rules that Father established before the foundation of the world, (and as we know so well, there is a process ordained of God that we too, simply have to undergo) and the plant, like the seasons, like our natural body, changes incrementally.

Today we are a certain age tomorrow, we have had an incremental change, but when these increments are added together, the end result is that they get old or mature, but most often “Beautiful.”

Ephesians 4:15-16                            Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]. Enfolded in love, let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head, [even] Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). For because of Him the whole body (the church, in all its various parts), closely joined and firmly knit together by the joints and ligaments with which it is supplied, when each part [with power adapted to its need] is working properly [in all its functions], grows to full maturity, building itself up in love.

Spiritual growth happens when we are speaking the truth in love with one another. Great argument could erupt over this point and probably has already surfaced in the thoughts and reasonings of some over how they are dealt with.

Revelation 3:19 states plainly:  Those whom I love, I TELL THEIR FAULTS AND CONVICT AND CONVINCE AND REPROVE AND CHASTEN. I DISCIPLINE AND INSTRUCT THEM. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and REPENT – CHANGE YOUR MIND AND ATTITUDE.

This is where it all falls down – in the mind and attitude towards what is transpiring. Never a truer word was spoken than that in Jeremiah 23:36 says:  … for every man’s burden is his own response and word

Hebrews 12:3  tells us that we faint in our minds”, and how we reason determines our spiritual growth or otherwise. But even when we are doing this, it can be challenging to detect growth in our own lives. But unless there is that “INCREMENTAL PROGRESS“, there is in its place, “DEATH.”

We can grow without seeing it. More often than not, the Holy Spirit grows us in increments, not leaps and bounds.

Exodus 23:30                                     Little by little, I will drive them out before you, UNTIL YOU HAVE INCREASED AND ARE NUMEROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE POSSESSION OF THE LAND.

 1 Peter 1:2 (B)                                   “(sanctified, made holy) by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and to be sprinkled with [His] blood


Circumstances are INTENDED to elevate us. But that intended elevation will never occur when we engage in objection – the “elevation” only takes place in the correct response. It is only as we pass through the refining process that the dross is removed, the gold begins to glow, and our quality is tested. (1 Peter 4:12) The Bible puts it this way: –

Habakkuk 3:19                                  The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and WILL MAKE ME TO WALK [NOT TO STAND STILL IN TERROR, BUT TO WALK] AND MAKE [SPIRITUAL] PROGRESS UPON MY HIGH PLACES [OF TROUBLE, SUFFERING, OR RESPONSIBILITY]

It is only happening in our proper response. Just going through a circumstance, whether it be trouble, suffering or responsibility, does not qualify us for hinds feet. They are the possession of those who are determined to climb.

Progress on difficult terrain is often slow and arduous. The terrain can be difficult but more burdensome and crippling by our resistant heart attitude; our response is Jeremiah 23:36.

 Right response: is recognition and gratitude for where the Lord is taking us and what He is endeavouring to accomplish in us.

Wrong response: is believing we are being unjustly dealt with, feeling sorry for ourselves, fainting in our minds, objection and silent debate, and even resentment.

Each step requires concentration and effort; the route may not be well signposted, it may be rocky or steep, but by traversing this territory, our stamina is improved. However, there will be no traffic jams on “The Road Less Travelled.”

Ephesians 5:15                                  Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily, and accurately. KJV “walk circumspectly” = exactly, diligently, perfectly.

This is the “excellence” we are called to, but we have all formed our own version of what this looks like and comfortably fits the way we have chosen to live our lives. Thus the objection at now being pressured to adopt and adapt to the “standard height” of God’s expectations.

The believer in a post-fall world is still living with the presence of sin and temptation around, but because we’ve been granted a new heart through Christ’s sacrifice, we are actually capable of choosing things that please the Lord.

We do that over the course of a lifetime. We don’t do it perfectly, but we do it incrementally better as time goes by; sometimes—I think everybody would testify—it feels like “imperceptibly incrementally” in some areas of our lives because we become familiar with the changes and overlook the progress we have made.

We do have sin patterns that we battle for years, and we can have the sense that I’m not getting any better at this reimaging thing that is supposed to be happening in me where I begin to look as I was intended to look—to look like Christ who perfectly imaged the Father.

 If we wish to persist in our old ways, the way we have always done things, then there is no propensity for change and an unfortunate inability to keep up with God’s program for the days we live in.

 Isaiah 43:18-19                                 Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. (V19)  Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it, and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

 If there is no “RADICAL CHANGE“, we will continue to reside in the “former things, unable to perceive and know it and therefore ignore it.


(Added comments L.Jeanneret.)







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