FAITH IN PRACTICE                                                                                                                                                                                ROSS SMITH



Proverbs 3:5                                       LEAN on, TRUST in, and be CONFIDENT in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 

LEAN ON    (adhere)                                                TRUST IN  (trust)                                               BE CONFIDENT  (rely)

Do not rely on your own insight or understanding.” This takes away our “rely” or our “self-sufficiency” and replaces it with the “confidence,” that comes from our “adhering” to His ways and “trusting” His ways.

Proverbs 3:7                                       Be not wise in your own eyes; (Note the repetition) reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil. (How frequently we must sin because we thought we were competent enough in our own right)

All of the above is a result of “UNDERSTANDING,” and by this time, we are well aware that our understanding has two sources:

(1) the Word of God,

(2) and secondly, from experience. This is underlined a little further down in Proverbs 3, which reads,

Proverbs 3:13                                    Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is the man who FINDS skilful and godly Wisdom, and the man who GETS UNDERSTANDING [DRAWING IT FORTH (An “Extraction” or “concentrating” action) from God’s Word AND life’s experiences], (Proverbs 4:7 gives more insight, “And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation”.

TRUST” is actually faith in action and is only relevant when facing an inhospitable circumstance, which James spells out quite precisely.

James 1:6-7                                        Only it must be in faith that he asks with no wavering (no hesitating, no doubting). For the one who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like the billowing surge out at sea that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind. (V70   For truly, let not such a person imagine that he will receive anything [he asks for] from the Lord.

The “no wavering, no hesitating and no doubting” is simply another way of saying, “adhere to, trust in, and rely.  As we have already determined, the outcome of a life lived in this format will result in a “spiritual man”.(1 Cor 2:15) We have recently seen that there is a significant qualification for a “Spiritual Man” and that is, he “FEARS, REVERES AND WORSHIPS”, and Psalm 111 says that this opens an enormous spectrum or gamut of spiritual excellence.

Psalm 111:10                                     The REVERENT FEAR AND WORSHIP of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and skill [the preceding and the first essential, (This suggests that further development is in order)  the prerequisite and the alphabet]; a good understanding, wisdom, and meaning have all those who do [the will of the Lord]. Their praise of Him endures forever.

What a can of worms this opens up; not only is it the starting point of an unavoidable demand, but it is the “A to Z” of the spiritual man, that man who “DOES THE WILL OF THE LORD.” Do we qualify? There is an overriding requirement, one which, when we conquer it, will not only qualify us with a more excellent certification but also elevate us to greater responsibility. Not only “WISE” BUT “INTELLIGENT.” This is a subject we need to explore.

James 3:13                                          Who is there among you who is wise and intelligent? Then let him by his noble living show forth his [good] works with the [unobtrusive] humility [which is the proper attribute] of true wisdom.

This is not just some pious, long-faced, secluded and sanctimonious state where we have to look miserable to be honourable, but a vigorous, productive, fruitful, respected and significantly spiritually equipped people who will be sought after because of their wisdom, sense, and intelligence, beyond that of the “non-spiritual man.” (See also Romans 12:1)

Ephesians 5:15                                  Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people),

This will contribute to the “CONTRAST” we are seeking. When we have that “ATR” that ensures “VICTORY,” we will evidence that “INTELLIGENCE” that marks us out as having been in the “SECRET” cabinet and the inner sanctum of  God Himself, emerging lie Job says,

Job 32:8                                               But there is [a vital force] a SPIRIT [OF INTELLIGENCE] in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives men understanding.

As we believe, so shall we behave, or “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

I am not sure we really as yet comprehend the extent and magnitude of this “UNDERSTANDING” because our appreciation of this dimension is still tainted by humanity’s interpretation, that of mental acuity and agility, a sharp mind that the world sees as being “SMART”, but Mark sees it in a spiritual sense, in the reality of Gods intentions.

Mark 12:33                                                         And to love Him out of and with all the heart (That is, with every motive explored and conformed) and with all the UNDERSTANDING [with the faculty of quick apprehension and intelligence and keenness of discernment] and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbour as oneself, is much more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

Recall that we are not to lean on our own understanding, let us not fall into the trap of viewing our position in Christ by what we see of ourselves, but to concentrate on “CONFORMITY” that of “ADHERING, TRUSTING, RELYING” on a far more significant, much wiser, more generous benefactor, more ready arbitrator, more doting and benevolent Father. We know the route, have revised it, and reviewed it often, as found in Psalm 46:10,

“Let be”               Don’t try and do it my way, but learn to “TRUST.”

“Be still”               This is the confidence inspired by “TRUST.”

“And know”        The experience of the peace and confidence of “TRUST.”

(The use of highlights in my notes is not for visual effect but enables recall and emphasize significant points.)







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